Let the past sleep, but let it sleep in the sweet embrace of Christ, and let us go on into the invincible future with Him. (Oswalt Chambers)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Deer at Dawn

Morning Log.

It's almost 8 am and the dogs are impatient to get outside for their morning relief. It's not full daylight yet and I need to check for deer in the yard before I dare open the door to let dogs out.

Since I have nothing else to blog about today, I decide to grab my camera and see if there's enough daylight to get some decent deer pictures. There wasn't, but I didn't let that stop me from trying.

At first all I can see is one of this year's fawns.

Mom (guessing) came out from behind the tree on the left.

After making sure there were no cars coming down the road, I opened the window and told them to scoot. Four white tails leaped across the road and into the woods.

After a minute, the dogs and I left the house for our early morning walk.


Alwen said...

Deer around here run across the road, up my driveway, and back into the swamp. Our property is a quarter-mile deep, and it's the biggest unfarmed patch they can find.

Judy S. said...

Great photos! Lately we've seen pictures of local bobcat visitors and in a n'borhood to the north a bear. I guess the foraging is tough due to our cool wet summer. We've just had raccoons......