Let the past sleep, but let it sleep in the sweet embrace of Christ, and let us go on into the invincible future with Him. (Oswalt Chambers)

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Snowy Saturday

The start of the Lavold sweater named Garnet

How many knitters read yesterday's post and knew that I was never going to wait until February to start the Lavold sweater?

Well, you were right. Last night I cast on the front, finished the ribbing, and worked twelve rows of the pattern.

The Lavold Silky Tweed splits easily. It's like knitting with very loosely joined strands of sewing thread. I have to be careful to catch each thread with the needle, which means constantly looking at my knitting.

It's not too awful to deal with, but I don't think I'll ever use Lavold Silky Tweed again once this sweater is complete.

Since I'm not following the pattern instructions to knit the lower six inches of the sweater (the hips) six inches narrower than the bust, I'm going to need more yarn.

My car under lots of snow

This is the reason I didn't go back to the yarn store today. Obviously some shoveling is going to be required before my car leaves the driveway.

The worst part isn't in the picture. The snowplow went by and piled up a heavy bank of snow at the end of the driveway.

The two snow pictures were taken this morning. It snowed and blew all day making it much too nasty to be outdoors working, so we weren't. A lovely benefit of being retired. No hurry to get out the driveway.

Pappy cutting a path through the snowIt was fun to take the dogs outside today. Pappy and Glory love to romp in the snow.

I didn't need to be a kill joy and call them in before they were ready. After ten minutes of running through the snow, they beat me to the door.

While they were sleeping off their snowy exercise, I was knitting on the Sweet Valentine Socks. They should be done sometime tomorrow.

If I get offline and go knit, they might be done yet tonight.

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