Let the past sleep, but let it sleep in the sweet embrace of Christ, and let us go on into the invincible future with Him. (Oswalt Chambers)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Deliveries, Doors, and Downstairs

On our Saturday trip out to Oak Haven, we found promises of things to happen in the garage.

Siding . . .

Porch columns and shakes for the roof peaks . . .

and a gas hot water heater . . .

We also found doors in place. No hardware and unpainted, but in place.

This door goes from the garage to the house. There was also a side door in the garage that didn't get in a picture.

Door from the four season room out to the deck . . .

And the front door with cutouts for the sidelights.

Here is a long shot of the mechanical and storage area side of the basement.

On the other side of the basement, the framing is up for the guest suite.

The long wall on the very right is the wall between the finished half and the storage/mechanical half of the basement. Next to that wall is a hallway going to the guest bedroom at the very end of the basement.

First room on the left with the pipes sticking up is the guest bathroom. Behind that is the guest closet, and behind that the guest bedroom.

I'm very excited about having a guest bedroom. Jay's current king size bed and bedroom furniture is going in there and we can be Hotel Hammond for our relatives when they're in town.

There's an egress window in the guest bedroom, complete with ladder. Guessing if a guest needs an egress window, they will have enough adrenaline to climb the ladder.

It appears the egress well is being used as a temporary trash can. It does look a bit like the old fashioned garbage cans we used to have when the garbage man would walk into the back yard to carry it out to the street to empty it. The same good old days when a good looking young man at the gas station would rush out to pump my gas, check my oil, and wash my car windows. Sigh.

Taken from the guest bedroom, this is a view of the guest closet and guest bathroom from the opposite direction. The area between the guest bathroom and the stairs in the back of the view is the rec room.

The roof is finally finished, so had to get a picture of the outside of the house. Probably the last one before the siding goes on.

On the way out of our cul-de-sac I noticed several flycatcher type birds hunting insects. At first I though they were phoebes, and was excited to think I would have phoebes at my new home. Phoebes are one of the things I will miss about my old home.

Then I noticed they were bigger than phoebes and had white markings, especially visible at the end of their tail feathers. I identified them as eastern kingbirds and took this picture to make sure. Nice. Even though there is some open, undeveloped land there, I wasn't sure we would have interesting birds to watch in Westport.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

I am having so much fun watching your house come alive