Let the past sleep, but let it sleep in the sweet embrace of Christ, and let us go on into the invincible future with Him. (Oswalt Chambers)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Restash Network

A few days ago I received this email from my online friend Sharon, more widely known as Soxie.

Restash Network button

I have been glued to my TV since *Katrina* hit land, as I'm sure most of you have, watching heart broken at the aftermath of that devastating storm. It is difficult to think of much else seeing all that suffering and loss.

Yesterday, as the cameras panned over the crowds, I spotted a lady sitting amoung the debris, and it looked very much like she was knitting!! It struck me that even though she has, in all probability, lost everything, she had grabbed her knitting before hurrying to safety.

Then I wondered just how many knitters had the time to grab their knitting *stash*? And my thoughts hit on the fact that there must be thousands of knitters in that storm, who have lost not only their homes, but their STASH!!! Can you just imagine not being able to knit. Not being able to knit socks!!! :-(

There are so many ways we can help the storm victims. By sending money, food, clothing, personal hygene items, provide shelter, etc. But yarn?? Knitting materials??

So, that got me to thinking further, and I decided to do something about it. I want to help those knitters who may have lost their stash in this terrible storm.

Now I realize that this is NOT a priority. It's not even a life-saving endeavor. But I do know that as a knitter we find comfort in our knitting, and in order to knit, we need our *stash*.

In the days and weeks to come as folks begin to regain power, go back to their homes, access their email lists, we are going to hear their stories of loss.. When that happens, I'd like to be ready to help them replentish their *stash*.

I've created a list for this purpose. I'd like to invite you to join me in this endeavor. You can join the list at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RestashNetwork or email me PRIVATELY at: soxie@harborside.com for more details.

Thank you everyeone for listening. Knitting Hugs to you all.
Soxie ;-)

By now most of us have given to help with basic needs of the people displaced by Katrina, but here is a little something extra we can do for our fellow knitters.

Soxie's project has progressed into two efforts. Right now there are list members collecting and delivering to storm shelters. For the future when knitters start going back to their homes - or finding new homes - other list members will be helping them rebuild their stash and knitting supplies.

For more information check out Soxie's Restash Network Website.

If you want to be in the thick of this project or volunteer to do more than send yarn, join the Restash Network Yahoo Group.

If you want to send yarn and/or knitting supplies to a distribution volunteer, there's a list of addresses on Soxie's Restash Network Website.

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