Let the past sleep, but let it sleep in the sweet embrace of Christ, and let us go on into the invincible future with Him. (Oswalt Chambers)

Friday, November 05, 2004

Fluted Banister Vest Completed

Fluted Banister Vest for CICThe third sock in the Six Sock Knitalong is the Fluted Banister. After knitting a pair of Fluted Banister socks for CIC and a pair for myself, I knit a CIC toddler vest incorporating the Fluted Banister pattern and sent the socks and vest off to CIC.

Shortly after that I heard from Laura Gallagher, the designer of the Fluted Banister Sock Pattern. She requested the pattern for the Fluted Banister Vest and I didn't have it written down.

That incident was one of the inspirations for starting this blog. I wanted a place to write my patterns down and share them with whoever would like to use them, especially knitters knitting for CIC.

With that in mind, I knit another Fluted Banister vest for CIC - this bright pink one. And, while I was knitting I recorded the pattern. If all goes according to plan, the pattern will be posted here on Stitches of Violet sometime Monday.

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