These writing prompts are available from
Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.
FOR TODAY July 19, 2011...Outside my window...It is very hot. We're in the middle of a multi day heat wave with each day forecast to be a little warmer until we hit the 100 degree plus mark on Thursday.
I am thinking...Although I love hot water heat via radiators, my next house/condo/apartment is going to have ducts and central air conditioning.
I am thankful for...We had no downed trees and retained power after last week's
derecho that caused considerable damage and long lasting (up to 5 days) power outages in SW Michigan. Every time I leave home going north, south, east, or west I see clean up efforts underway. We ended up with three sticks in the yard. Not sure how that happened, but I am thankful.
From the kitchen...Have ingredients for homemade chicken noodle soup, just need the time and energy.
I am wearing...Not much. Baggy denim shorts and a tank top. It's very hot today.
I am creating...Hats. I've been combining three strands of left-over sock yarn and knitting charity hats. The goal is to blend the colors so the hats will be attractive. There is no question that they will be warm.
I am going...To Goodwill again tomorrow. My goal is a box a week as I slowly sort through areas of the house that haven't been sorted through in a while. Amazing the amount of stuff I'm finding that I don't care if I ever see again.
I am reading...Just started
A Stitch Before Dying by Anne Canadeo. "Where friendship, knitting, murder create the perfect pattern."
Since I haven't read the first two mysteries in the series, I have no idea if it's a good book or not.
I am hoping...That my blogging funk is over.
I am hearing...Pappy panting in my ear. It's cooler toward the rear of the house and we're about to go there.
Around the house...The Rose of Sharon bushes are in bloom. We have too many to count. Some are appreciated, some not. They self seed and pop up all over so some are weeds. But how can I not love a bush the hummingbirds love?
One of my favorite things...My family. From left to right: granddaughter Kimberly Louise, daughter Heather Louise, mother Margarete Louise.
A few plans for the rest of the week:Today I'm driving Mom to her annual cardiology appointment. We hope it's a non-eventful meeting with ice cream afterward.
Wednesday is grocery shopping day with a stop at the library to stock up on books to read in front of the fan until temperatures get back to bearable.
Thursday is hair cut day.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...No matter how hot it is, the creek water is always cold and refreshing.