Let the past sleep, but let it sleep in the sweet embrace of Christ, and let us go on into the invincible future with Him. (Oswalt Chambers)

Monday, October 03, 2005

Violets by the River Shawl Pictures

Violets by the River shawl from the back Pattern: Violets by the River Shawl by Hazel Carter

Yarn: Blackberry Ridge Silk Blend Lace weight, two-ply, 25% silk, 85% wool.

Yarn Color: Medium lilac

Needles: #6

Gauge: 6 stitches/inch, 8 rows/inch

Violets by the River shawl from the side This is my very first shawl ever, except for the Candleflame Shawl knit for CIC which doesn't count because it was heavy yarn and the same stitch pattern over and over and over until I almost croaked from boredom.

Over all I have to call Violets by the River a successful first (well, almost first) lace shawl effort, although it might be more accurate to call it a large scarf rather than a shawl.

The pattern had instructions for making it larger, but I knit the smaller size to see how I liked wearing it. It's a little too small I think, but the verdict is still out since I haven't worn it out of the yard yet.

Close up of Violets by the River shawl upper border For some reason the natural light makes the color look bluish in the outdoor pictures.

This picture was taken with a flash and shows a pinkish violet color on my monitor. The actual color is more pink than the outdoor shots and more blue than this shot.

You can see the little lace bees and faggoting across the top. Not overly noticeable when the shawl/scarf is being worn, but I know they're there and think they're delightful.

I've been working on a Shetland lace sampler scarf for the Shetland Lace Workshop, using two strands of Knitpicks Alpaca Cloud held together.

We're each making up our own pattern as we go along, and I've become an expert on deciding what would look better than what I just finished knitting. The entire scarf has been frogged more than once. Various sections have been tinked repeatedly. I'm not sure any of the improvements are really improvements, but the experimenting is fun and educational.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a piece worth showing - or maybe not.

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