Beautiful beginning of autumn weather. 70s in the daytime, 50s at night. Just a hint of fall color and plenty of goldenrod.
Really? ...
Yes, really. You will see nothing to do with politics on this blog.
I am creating...
Blessing (because it's for someone I don't know) hat number 6 over a canister.
Note to self: Find better way to photo hats.
I am procrastinating ...
Working on my more challenging knitting projects because I'm very stiff from an osteoporosis treatment I'm trying. Prolia. So far there's no pain, which makes it superior to other osteoporosis meds I've taken.
I am reading...
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
Only a few chapters into it. So far Susan, an introvert herself, goes to places where people are judged by their extroversion. She interviews the introverts she finds there about how they're coping. I can identify.
I am hearing...
Quiet. Both dogs are sleeping.
Outdoors ...
The fall wildflowers are thick in the back three acres.
A few plans for the next few days
Granddaughter Kimmy is going to come spend some time with me next week. She's going to teach me how to do some important things like play Angry Birds on my new smart phone and edit wrinkles out of my face in pictures.
Giving thanks for ...
Sunny is probably going to get better. Her spondylosis of the spine has advanced to her upper spine/neck region and Monday she was in acute pain. She had a steroid IV and a morphine type shot which was supposed to knock her out, but didn't. She's been on prednesolone and pain pills all week. Tuesday we start to taper off but she'll be on some prednesolone for the next three weeks.
I know the day will come when the vet looks at Sunny's x-ray and says she can't be fixed. This time is probably not that time, and I am thankful.
And ...
This moth was in plain sight on the door this morning and is still there this afternoon. That tells me the phoebes have left on their migration.
In the summer, they start the day with a breakfast of insects the porch light attracted over the night. And they especially like a nice, plump moth.
Great photos! I've never seen such a furry moth. Love the color of the Blessing hat! If you think of a good way to photgraph hats, let me know please.....
That wrinkle-remover works great on wrinkled clothing also.
Hoping for quick and complete healing for your dear dog.
I, too am hoping that Sunny is with you a while longer. I'm going to checkout that book on introverts. I wonder if more knitters are introverts than the general population?
You can put a hat on a blown up balloon - approximates a head nicely. works for blocking, too, if necessary.
I remember the falls from my two years in Kalamazoo, they were beautiful. Some of the small towns looked like pictures from calendars.
Good to hear Granddaughter is teaching you new techie tricks. She is so beautiful in the photo.
Glad you are enjoying the hat knitting. I find expressing my creativity in this way to very enjoyable and relaxing.
I'm so sorry to hear about Sunny. I hope she has many more pain-free days left to share with you.
Thinking of you all often. kc
Hope Sunny is feeling better and that this autumn finds you well too. You got me with that moth photo, i hope it was severely enlarged because it was creepy, all hairy like that...mind, we have wolf spiders here, dark hairy garden variety but you do become accustomed to them. Do like the politics free declaration too.
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