Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook for January 3

FOR TODAY January 3, 2012...

Outside my window...
The first big snow of the winter.

I am thinking...
Wayne State University has released its fourth list of 10 words the Detroit school says deserve greater use such as erstwhile, Sisyphean, supercilious. It might be fun to try writing a blog post using all ten. If I do, I will include definitions.

I am thankful for...
After two months physical therapy finished last Friday. I’m exercising at home for now.

Every time I went in she asked me what percent better I was and I annoyed her by saying I couldn’t tell her because I had no idea how much better I could get. She never offered an opinion on that. Finally Friday I told her I was 95% better, which I hope isn’t true, and we said goodby.

I am more flexible and “decompressed”, but things still hurt way more than they should.

From the kitchen...
I'm still trying to get used to the empty look in the refrigerator that comes from living with oneself.

I am wearing...
Jeans, a green sweatshirt embroidered with little flowers and leaves, and handknit socks.

I am creating...
My file folders for 2012 paperwork.

I am going...
To keep precise track of my spending in 2012 so I have some idea of how much I can afford to spend on a new place to live, assuming I decide to move. I have the ledger sheets and categories all set up and ready to go. This should be interesting.

I am reading...
Blog reader Carolyn sent me the entire series of Alex McNight mysteries by Steve Hamilton.

The fictional McNight lives in Michigan's upper peninsula in a little town called Paradise (it really exists) on Lake Superior near the Soo Locks. Just reading these books makes me shiver with cold and thankful for our much milder SW Michigan winters.

They are a good read and I'm enjoying them. Thank you Carolyn!

I am hoping...
That 2012 is all you hope for plus a little extra.

I am hearing...
The little mail truck just went down the other side of the road and will be back here in a minute.

Around the house...
We, the little dogs and I, are getting used to being without Glory.

One of my favorite things...
A Christmas gift from John, Anne, and Sydney. I told them when I was young I read and enjoyed a lot of science fiction/fantasy, but haven’t tried any in years and didn’t know where to start. Then I suggested they pick out the first book in some of their favorite series so I could try out various authors that they've enjoyed.

I decided to leave the books unopened until I was ready to start reading one, so I won’t have to agonize over what looks good to read next. Surprise is much more fun.

The first one I opened and read was the Crystal Singer. A very pleasant and entertaining read. I liked it enough to check that the library has the second two in the series and I plan to read them.

Then I opened The Eye of the World and could hardly tear myself away from its 800 pages to do the things that needed to be done. Totally enjoyed the writing, the story, the maps, and the glossary. Have ordered the next two in the series from Amazon and, since there are twelve books in all, if nobody hears from me the rest of the winter it’s all John, Anne, and Sydney's fault!

Just started Game of Thrones last night and haven't gotten into it enough to have an opinion except to note there seem to be an overload of families and characters to remember.

I'm hunkered down for winter with two little old dogs who like to sleep, so I'm doing a lot of reading alternating the McNight mysteries with the fantasy books.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Yesterday's lunch with a friend was snowed out. We're going to try again next week. We both spent decades driving to work on slippery roads and enjoy staying home now on bad driving days.

Supposedly it's going to warm as the week progresses and the roads will clear. Then I need to go to the grocery store and drive to Kalamazoo for a haircut.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Looks like Santa was very good to granddaughter Sydney.

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.


  1. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Brrrrrrr - that snow looks cold. Funny that you consider your winters milder than the UP, but I should understand, having lived in Alaska. I love the idea of the books wrapped up so you don't know what you'll be reading until you open it. Between the books and yarn, I think you're set!

  2. Oh! Game of Thrones next. Excellent. Yes, there are lots of characters in it. I don't think there are as many as the Wheel of Time series will have as you get deeper into, though. But I like the A Song of Fire and Ice series (Game of Thrones being the first) even more than I like the Wheel of Time series. And if you end up loving it, too, you will also learn to hate it because...well, I'll wait and let you find that out for yourself.

  3. Are you able to fill your bird feeders with all that snow?
    Just started a Louise Penny mystery based on your enthusiasm. Still getting into it and sorting out the characters.

  4. carol6:51 PM

    I have been away from my computer for many months and just want to say that I am so sorry for your losses. Heartbreaking.

  5. If only you could send some of that snow my way....I'd love it. Still bone dry and warm (in the 60's two days ago) here. Not normal. I guess I like normal....whatever that is.

    Thanks for the info about the book series. I just reserved the first three at my library. Have you not joined the world of E-books either? I am resisting. Call me a dinosaur.... :)

  6. That's one chilly looking photo, Marguerite! So sorry to hear about your Glory; losing a pet is hard, especially a well-loved one. Sounds like you've found some interesting books. Are you doing any knitting these days? Stay warm, and have a good new year! Hugs!

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