Monday, December 26, 2011

Glory Byrne 1996 - 2011

December 23, 2011 Glory went to be with Bob in heaven.

We were dogless when Glory came to live with us fourteen and a half years ago.

DH Bob overhead a young man in Paw Paw say he had a six month old lab mix puppy that was tearing things up in his apartment and he had to "get rid of her". She ended up in the cab of Bob's truck.

Upon arrival, Glory jumped out of the truck, ran around the perimeter of our five acres, checked out the pond, checked out the creek and was from that day on a very happy, well-behaved dog who never tore anything up. She was too busy running, swimming, catching frogs, and guarding her new home from rodents, rabbits, deer, and other wildlife.

She was a wonderful, intelligent, faithful dog. She will always be remembered with love.


  1. Sorry to read about Glory.
    As you said she is running, again, as a young pup with Bob.

  2. robynsnest4:12 PM

    I'm so sorry you lost your lovely Glory. There is nothing like the unconditional love of a dog. My heart is hurting for you.

  3. Deepest sympathy for your loss of Glory. She will always be with you. Here is a card we received from our vet that continues to comfort us: "Remember me always, but do not grieve for me too long. I have tried always to comfort you in times of sorrow, and have made every effort to add joy to your life. I never wanted to cause you pain. Peace for me is certain now, and I suspect I will have eternal sleep in the earth I have loved so well. Please, after your period of grieving for me, make room in your heart for another. You are the kind of human being that should always have a friend like me to love. Your kind and gentle heart should not be wasted on my memory for too long. Give your love to another. I know your new best friend will never take my place, because we had something very special. It may not be quite the same, but a new devoted and loving companion will in time, become special in their own way. You loved me very much and I love you. No matter how deep my sleep, my spirit will always be with you. (Author Unknown)

    This comforted us when Muffy died. Now we have Rusty, a shelter dog, with us. Finding a new doggy member of our family has brought us great comfort and love.

  4. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Sorry to see that Glory is no longer with you. I'm sure Bob was glad to have the company of Glory.

  5. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I'm so sorry.

    Glory was so lucky to have found you guys. She lived the life that most dogs only dream of living.

  6. A faithful friend and a good innings for a large dog.

    I'm sorry to hear of her death.

  7. I'm so very sorry, Marguerite. This is the time that all pet owners dread; it's very hard, I know. Glory was a sweet little girl and God blessed her with a wonderful home and a full, happy life. My thoughts and prayers are with you, you've been through so much this year.

  8. We love them so much, and their lives are so short. :(

    Much love to you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  9. I'm sad for you but glad that Glory is pain-free. She had a long and wonderful life with you. Thinking of you.

  10. It hurts my heart to hear of your loss of Glory. I wish dogs had a longer life span. Why can't they breed for that? Sending you a Cyberhug.

  11. It's true that dogs' lives are way too short. I know you are grieving, but hop you take comfort in the memory of the wonderful life she had.

  12. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I am so sorry for your loss. I hope her memories warm your heart and it is a blessing she is keeping company with Bob now.

    Nashville TN

  13. Ohhh M, your dear Glory....
    what a wonderful story of your finding each other. She and Bob are doing great.....
    ON with 2012 for you......
    one day at a time of course....

  14. I am so sorry to hear abt Glory. Know that you gave her a great home where she was healthy and happy and loved. We cant do more than that.


    You've had a rough year.

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your newest loss. Glory will be missed by all of us.

  16. I'm so sorry, Marguerite, to learn that Glory has gone to her reward. I know she will leave a huge hole in yhour heart, but I know, too, that you will be comforted to remember her long, wonderful life Sending hugs.

  17. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved Glory. There is nothing so loyal and loving as a beloved pet such as Glory was to you and Bob. I know how you feel and send deepest sympathy.

  18. Anonymous5:32 AM

    I'm so sorry to hear about Glory's passing. She had a wonderful full and long life with her humans, Sunny and Pappy who loved her deeply. I'm keeping all of you in my thoughts. papiokc

  19. What gorgeous eyes she had.
    A beautiful dog!

  20. It has been a hard year for you. Please accept my sympathies. You are and have been in my prayers.

  21. I am so sorry you lost Glory. I am sorry it has been a year of loss for you.

  22. Sorry for your loss but thank you for sharing her with us. You have very happy dogs and I enjoyed getting to know Glory.

  23. I am so sorry. Hugs to you and your other two dogs. What a hard year. I pray 2012 will be easier to bear.

  24. I am so very sorry for loss of your sweet Glory. If only their lifespans could be closer to our own.

  25. Sheila11:21 AM

    It's been a rough year for you. My prayers are with you.

  26. DeeKnitter fm KS12:26 PM

    I am so sorry, Marguerite, for your losses this year. May next year be better or at least a little easier.

  27. Joanne1:55 PM

    Thinking of you and sending the beardie white light for strength. Run Free, Glory!

  28. I am sooo sorry. But glad she got to have all those special treats towards the end. And I have NO DOUBT that she joined Bob. Probably catching him up on all the goings on with the other dogs too.
    I find the loss of pets to be an extremely difficult pain to bear. Praying for you.

  29. What a wonderful life you provide for all of God's creatures and Glory was no exception. The joy that animals give us is such a gift. Losing and animal is heartbreaking and I understand and sympathize with your loss.

  30. I am very sorry for your loss. Glory's tales have been an enjoyable part of your blog, and she will be missed and remembered by many. I hope you take comfort in knowing what a happy life you provided for her.

  31. I'm so sorry. Even when it's expected, it's so hard. But I'm sure she's with Bob now.

  32. Marguerite, I've not done much blog reading for some time, so I've been catching up on your blog in my google reader tonight. I was so saddened to read of your loss of Glory. She was such a beautiful dog, and isn't it wonderful that she ended up in your home as a pup? An equally satisfying relationship between she and you and your dh.

  33. As I catch up with missed posts from the holidays... I'm so sorry to hear of Glory's passing. I know she was well loved and had the best ever life with you. I hope those happy memories help ease the pain of her loss.


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