Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook for January 17

FOR TODAY January 17, 2012...

Outside my window...
It's 40F and so foggy that some schools in the area had a two hour delay this morning. The fog wasn't gone after two hours, but at least it was daylight.

This picture was taken about 10 AM.

Later today it's supposed to get much much colder and snow.

I am thinking...
That my life right now is nothing like it's going to be a year from now. At least I hope that's true, with changes for the better.

I am thankful for...
Son John has been posting pictures of Granddaughter Sydney on Twitter. They always make me smile. More please.

From the kitchen...
Made a crockpot full of corn chowder Sunday and will be working on that all week. It's a favorite so I won't get tired of it.

I am wearing...
Gray sweatpants, a plain light pink sweatshirt, and handknit socks. Always the handknit socks.

I am creating...
Pounds. I've been gaining weight and have to stop before I gain back everything I worked so hard to lose. It's that diet time of year.

I am going...
Back to the endodontist tomorrow morning to see why the tooth that had a root canal and surgery to have the end of the root ground off last spring is hurting so bad I'm almost non-functional.

I am reading...
Time and Newsweek. Subscribed to both for the fun of reading about the 2012 presidential race and the fun of getting something interesting in the mail.

Time boggles my mind. Sometimes they use small yellow print on white, small white print backed with light blue, and graphics that hardly make sense at all. They certainly don't tell a story at a glance, they just cause forehead wrinkles when I bother to try and figure out what they're trying to show.

Granted, most of their readership is probably reading electronically and only us older people are still working with the print edition. But it's just my demographic that can't deal with yellow print on white.

I won't be renewing Time.

I am hoping...
The roads are decent tomorrow morning so I can get to my endodontist appointment. They're covered with thick ice and slush right now and I don't understand why they're not getting plowed off before it starts snowing again.

I am hearing...
Dave Ramsey in the background because I didn't turn off the radio in the bedroom. Will take care of that next time I get up.

Around the house...
Not much is getting done. Less jaw pain if I don't move. Fortunately I have a wealth of good books to read.

One of my favorite things...
My faithful friends and family who don't intrude, but make sure I know they're still with me and available as I go through this transition time.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
No plans until my jaw stops hurting.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
My maternal grandfather, John Kern, a Swiss engineer who came to this country as a young man and did well. He would have loved computers.

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.


  1. carol2:12 PM

    We had snow and freezing rain day before yesterday. This morning it was snowing. At present the sun is out and our weatherman tells us to prepare for freezing rain, sleet etc. for early evening and tomorrow morning. Not liking that so much as I must take my husband for some medical treatment tomorrow morning. Lets say a prayer for better weather. Sorry you are in so much discomfort. Hoping that all changes tomorrow.

  2. Anonymous3:30 PM

    We have 5" of snow and counting. And the major snowstorm is supposed to come through tomorrow! I'm so sorry about the tooth. I can truly sympathize after going through a similar situation a couple of years ago. I really hope you're able to get it sorted out soon. Love the picture of your grandfather. I think my grandfather would probably have run screaming from computers!

  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    such lovely blog posts you write. thanks, Mary in Cincinnati

  4. Sure hope the dentist can get that tooth to quit hurting! Snow here, too, and more to come tomorrow they say.....good to stay inside! How about sharing your corn chowder recipe....sounds tasty!

  5. BG was finally able to go out and play in the snow yesterday....our first snowfall, only amounting to about 2 inches, but satisfied his 3 yr old requirements for great fun! I had a wisdom tooth pulled on Monday, so I can sympathize with the tooth/jaw pain, although I am sure mine is but a mere shadow of what you are experiencing. Hope they get to the bottom of the problem soon. Take care. k

  6. Carrie12:55 PM

    Adorable picture of Sydney!
    Very nice photo of Grandpa Kern!
    The dental thing sounds like you have a lawsuit, if you ask me!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  7. robynsnest1:38 PM

    I hope your appointment goes well and you are soon feeling better. We are having the craziest winter. One day it seems like Spring and the next Winter reminds us it's still here.

  8. I hope your jaw is feeling better by now. I hate dental problems. And could you share your crockpot corn chowder recipe? I love my crockpot, and corn chowder would be a wonderful winter meal (or 4 or 5!)

  9. Anonymous2:41 PM

    thank you for your lovely blog!

    Trumansburg, NY

  10. Anonymous3:08 PM

    hope you feel better soon!

  11. Corn chowder is my favorite too! Especially when I lived in New England and it would snow.


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