Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for November 8

FOR TODAY November 8...

Outside my window...
It's a sleepy, rainy day.

I am thinking...
About last night's GriefShare meeting. We learned something we already knew but needed to hear put bluntly – our marriage vows were “til death do us part”, and we are single people now. As the Lord heals us, we need to learn to live for Him and ourselves.

Three months into widowhood after 36 years of marriage, this is not intuitive.

I am thankful for...
The estrogen that is keeping Glory from leaking urine when she sleeps and the daily half Baytril that keeps her chronic bladder infection in check. This is truly medical magic.

From the kitchen...
My favorite herbal tea. So many of them smell better than they taste, but this one tastes better than it smells. At least to me.

I am wearing...
Navy sweatshirt and sweatpants. Even less classy than my usual jeans.

I am creating...
A stronger body with the exercises I've learned in physical therapy. I'm hoping someday they don't make me hurt so much.

I am going...
To have to think about Thanksgiving soon. And then Christmas.

I can pretend they're not going to be difficult, but I know they are.

I am reading...
13 Steps Down by Ruth Rendell.

I am hoping...
My laptop holds out a few more months because I don't feel up to updating or replacing it right now. The display screen has some gray spots along the edge, the hard drive is making noise, and Google is not happy that I'm running a five year old version of Internet Explorer. I have no reason to want to upgrade except that Google doesn't like it and I need my Google aps, especially Blogger and Reader.

I am hearing...
As usual on a Tuesday when I do this, Sunny is softly snoring on my left and Pappy is softly sleeping on my right. Glory is under the kitchen table not making any noise. Occasionally I hear a car go by, otherwise it's very peaceful.

Around the house...
There is much that needs to be done.

One of my favorite things...
My friends and family members who understand and support me during this transition by the little things they do.

I've come to appreciate how little things mean a lot. I don't want any big things right now.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Physical therapy on Wednesday and Friday. Grocery shopping, library, and exercising five times a day.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
November can be beautiful in its own bleak way.

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.


  1. That's an interesting concept to now be single. I guess I never would have thought of that either. "Til death do us part" has always sounded like "forever". It will definitely take some adjusting. I will be thinking of you as the holidays approach. I hope you'll have your family around.

  2. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Did you get some bookmarks? <3

  3. Carrie5:49 PM

    Blogger drives me nuts. I DID just leave my name even though it's calling me 'anonymous.'


  4. "There is a joy in the journey-
    there is a light we can love on the way!"

  5. I love ginger tea in the afternoon when I don't want the caffeine of regular tea. Will see if my store carries this one.

  6. Oh M. You are doing so well . IM proud of you for blogging and taking the prompts. One day at a time.......That is what I have learned from anxiety work. ONe day at a time.
    The holidays will be very hard , but we will all be here. im praying for you tonight.

  7. Anonymous4:49 AM

    It is true, the holidays will be difficult as will "every" significant day (birthdays, etc.) for at least the first year. I hope you have family to be with during these times. I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. If the hard drive is making noises, it's a signal that the drive will fail soon, at any time. Make backups of essential files NOW and start looking for a new laptop sooner rather than later. Hard drives do have a shelf life, and it soulds like your laptop is pretty old.

  9. It's good to see you allow yourself to grieve and are taking healthy steps towards your recovery - both physical and emotional. Your life is full of people who love you as well as some pretty special animals too. Thank you so much for posting and I hope that Santa is good to you and brings you a new laptop.

  10. I appreciate your devotedness to so many things, including your blog. One of these days, you'll surprise us all with... socks! Eh? Easier to handle than an old laptop!


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