Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for November 15

FOR TODAY November 15, 2011...
(Actually written and posted on Wednesday the 16th)

Outside my window...
A foggy morning.

I am thinking...
That I need to start watching my diet again as I've put on about five pounds eating comfort food and Klondike Bars. Not what one wants to be thinking the week before Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for...
Dr. Baker, Glory's vet since she was a puppy fifteen years ago. Glory's kidneys are failing and he spent a lot of time with me this evening explaining what is likely to happen next and how I can tell when it's time to bring her in for her final visit. We're down to the last weeks of her life now.

From the kitchen...
There will be pizza, macaroni and cheese, chicken, and other good stuff to tempt Glory's appetite as she finishes up her time on earth. This is the vet's suggestion and it sounds yummy to me.

I am wearing...
Jeans, a gray fleece top with a partial zipper, and handknit socks.

I am creating...
A new life for myself. It's barely started to form and I have no idea where it's going. Immediate plans are to hunker down for winter, exercise and get stronger, work on getting things sorted out around the house, and hope that what the future holds is more obvious by spring.

I am going...
To miss Glory.

I am reading...
Just finished Tess Gerritsen's The Silent Girl.

Almost didn't check this book out of the library as she hasn't been one of my favorite authors in the past, but I was pleasantly surprised. Her usual excess of romantic angst was missing, replaced by an interesting mystery with characters I enjoyed meeting.

I am hoping...
To find some more good reading at the library tomorrow.

I am hearing...
Gunfire around here in the mornings and evenings. It's deer season in Michigan. I don't go outside without my bright orange hat on, and at dawn and dusk I sing while we're on our dogwalk.

Around the house...
A cord of oak and cherry firewood was delivered today. I think we're ready for winter now, but there's no hurry.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Physical therapy on Thursday and Friday. Pennfield High School Follies this weekend starring Granddaughter Kimmy. Saturday the neighbor is coming to clean out the eaves. Sunday church in the morning and a special GriefShare seminar in the afternoon on getting through the holidays.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Mom, I hope you're not planning to come back to bed. I really appreciate the warm spot you left.

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that Glory's days are numbered. You have had so much to bear lately. I lost a dog to kidney failure too. I'll be thinking about you.

  2. Donna7:45 AM

    Now comes the hard part of pet ownership, Iam sorry. When you go to the library look up Louise Penny mysteries. Great writing, good character writing. The first in the series is Still Life. I so enjoy your blog, all your readers will be keeping you company this winter.

  3. My heart just aches that you must face this now. For 15 years Glory has had the most wonderful home. I hope that gives you comfort and that the two other pups will also comfort you. We'll be here with you.

  4. I am so sorry about Glory. This is the hardest part of fur children. They don't live as long as us. Glory has been very blessed to have you in her life. I'll be thinking of you and hope it's as easy a time as can be. Hugs!

    Take care,
    Linda Jo

  5. (hugs) Please know you have cyber friends who are praying for you.

  6. I am sooo sorry about Glory.
    In the midst of all the sorrow I pray you will also experience peace.

  7. I am so sorry to hear about Glory. I will miss her, too. I have enjoyed yor blog posts about your pets, your knitting, the birds, and your family for several years. You continue to be in my thoughts.

  8. Gosh M, you are facing such sadness again. i am so sorry to hear Glory is nearing her end. Will an image of her running to your husband help?????? It would help me I think.
    YOU keep on going lady. We are all here on the blogs for you

  9. So sorry to hear abt Glory. You've had a lot to deal with lately. Hopefully you will be getting some peace soon.....

  10. Good for you to give extra-special attention to Glory right now. It's so hard, even when you know it's time. You will both be in my thoughts.

    And I agree with Donna -- check out Louise Penny's books. Try to start with the first one (Still Life) and work your way through -- this great website shows the order http://stopyourekillingme.com/P_Authors/Penny_Louise.html (and it's great for all kinds of mystery series). The characters are wonderful and the stories are great, too.

  11. Anonymous2:37 PM

    My prayers and thoughts are with you.
    I so enjoy your stories of the furbabies.

    May Glory's last days be peaceful and comforting to you both.


  12. Such a sad thing to have a pet leave you. If you ever want to adopt another dog, I'm sure there are many great dogs that need an incredible home like yours. I had a wonderful australian shepard and lab mix that was fully trained and had a sweet disposition, but our other dog beat her up so badly that I gave her to a woman with cerebral palsy who has just lost her dog to death. I was so sad to see her go, but the lady loved Sally dearly and I received cards and letters from Sally (assisted by her human companion). I miss her to this day, but know how much happier she is and now I have three wonderful Standard Poodles.


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