Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for November 1

FOR TODAY November 1, 2011...

Outside my window...
The mornings are frosty now.

I am thinking...
An October snow storm with the leaves still on the trees resulting in multi-day power outages could easily have happened here.

I have to find someone to deliver firewood for my wood burner. It can't wait any longer.

I am thankful for...
A beautiful autumn season with no snow yet. That's all frost in the picture. We're on borrowed time now.

From the kitchen...
White Bean Turkey Chili once again from Taste of Home's Cooking for One or Two.

Instead of a half pound of turkey tenderloin which needed to be cooked, cooled, and cut into pieces, I used a half pack of ground turkey and fried it up with the onions, garlic, and butter before adding the rest of the ingredients in the same pan. I like my chili with ground meat and it made the preparation much easier.

As you can see, I used the optional sour cream and shredded cheese on top which made the recipe exceptional. The recipe made two generous meals and I'll be making it again for sure.

I am wearing...
An orange turtleneck, navy sweatpants, and orange hand knit socks. It's been a lazy morning. I need to shower and change into something fresher and less Halloweeny now that Halloween is over.

I am creating...
Slowly making progress on Dave's humongous socks. About half way down the foot headed for the toe on each sock.

I am going...
To get up and do some of my physical therapy exercises. I have five different types of exercise that I'm supposed to do by themselves, so seems like it's always time to do a set.

I am reading...
Grasshopper by Barbara Vine. Just started it but have read enough of her (actually Ruth Rendell) books to know it's going to be interesting and good.

I am hoping...
That the estrogen Glory just started taking will stop her urine from leaking when she sleeps. So far it's looking good and she is acting perkier as well.

I am hearing...
The dogs just had their favorite treat, Happy Hips, and are settled in for a nap. Sunny is snoring on my left, Pappy is working on getting comfortable on my right, and Glory is under the kitchen table all stretched out and hopefully not leaking.

Around the house...
There are many sticks and leaves that need to be picked up in the yard.

One of my favorite things...
Sunday Pappy and I went to the doggy school Halloween party to see some old friends and meet some new friends.

Olivia, an old friend, won first place in the costume contest with an ensemble crocheted by her mom, Marcia.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
I'm sore and achy from the physical therapy, so haven't planned anything for this week except to do my exercises, get through two more sessions on Wednesday and Friday, and hopefully feel better on the other side of it.

Grocery store and library have to happen one day. There are other chores that should but probably aren't going to happen.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
At the doggy school party Jack wheeled himself around with his service dog Reebok to say hello and tell me, "I'm here as Jack-O-Lantern."

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.


  1. awwwww REebok rocks!

  2. Brrrrr! It does look really frosty! Here it's chilly but no frost....yet. Tonight could be the night though.

  3. That chili looks wonderful - especially on a cold, frosty day. We actually had a little frost today too - not too common in our area of the country. More likely rain, rain, rain, but it's been dry lately.

  4. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Keep doing your physical therapy exercises even though I understand the soreness. It will be worth it in the future.

    I would like to buy the Taste of Cooking book but it is out of print. Maybe I'll get one which is used. The recipes you've made look very tasty.

  5. How are the bathroom reno's coming along? You have to do the painting yourself I think. Just wondering how you are doing with all of that.

  6. Oooo. Chilly does call for chili, doesn't it?
    Even though it doesn't look likely, I'm hoping for a mild winter.


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