Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for November 22

FOR TODAY November 22, 2011 ...

Outside my window...
It's a cold, rainy day.

I am thinking...
This blog post needs some color, so I borrowed a picture from August.

I am thankful for...
Many things. Even on bad days I never have trouble thinking of things to be thankful for.

Today I'm especially thankful that Glory is having some good days and is dragging me out for walks in this miserable wet weather.

From the kitchen...
I made a big batch of macaroni and cheese for Glory and she's been enjoying it with a raspberry Zinger for dessert. She eats small amounts multiple times a day.

Today I bought her a pizza, which she's also been enjoying. It's hard not to give her more than a little at a time when she's so ready to eat, but I know more is not better if she barfs it. Whatever happens now, she's had a few good days and enjoyed some good food so that will be a pleasant memory. Bets are she has no intention of ever eating dog food again.

I am wearing...
Jeans, an unadorned aqua sweatshirt, and handknit socks.

I am creating...
Still working on Dave's very long socks.

I am going...
To figure out if it is possible to knit more without undoing the good the physical therapy is doing for my back, neck, and shoulders.

I am reading...
Justice by Karen Robards. Three and a half stars out of five on Amazon. That's about what it deserves. It's not awful, but I'm finding it slow moving. Maybe that's because I thought it was a mystery and it's only half a mystery. The rest of the time I'm reading the inner thoughts of the heroine as she contemplates the body of her former boyfriend who is assigned to protect her. Why does this take pages and pages?

Still Life, the first Louise Penny book, is on its way to the Oshtemo branch of the Kalamazoo Public Library for me to pick up. I hope to have it before the week is over.

I am hoping...
That the eaves troughs get cleaned out before the first real snowstorm. I know the man who is planning to do it is very busy trying to get his own house ready for winter.

I am hearing...
The heating system pipes clicking as the hot water flows through.

Around the house...
It's very quiet.

One of my favorite things...
White chocolate.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Against my better judgement, I'm going to the grocery store tomorrow, the day before Thanksgiving, to pick up a few things I need for cooking for Glory. I'll probably be the only person there wanting to buy raspberry Zingers for Thanksgiving. Also plan to stop at the library.

Mom and I are going out for Thanksgiving dinner. It won't be the same as home cooked, but it will be something different and I need that. Friday is physical therapy. I'm not shopping on Black Friday.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
November pictures are pretty boring when there's no snow. I like snowless, boring November pictures.

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.


  1. Sherilan8:07 PM

    Sounds like Glory is having terrific eats! Have you read the Sheriff Gastner mysteries by Steven Havill? I came late to the series, the first is "Heartshot" and there is a new one out in December, I think. I always put in a reserve on books you like, but I will give this weeks book a miss. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Your weather picture looks a lot like ours - grey, rainy with a dollop of wind for us. I'm so glad you're making such sweet memories for Glory's remaining days. I don't know why that never occurred to us for Hester. Enjoy your dinner out with your mom. Yes, different is probably good this year and you'll start creating new traditions. Happy Thanksgiving to you both!

  3. I'm going to the supermarket tomorrow, too. We're nuts. aren't we? It will be just me and the cats for Thanksgiving so I don't need much. And no shopping on Friday here either! Enjoy your dinner out with your Mom, especially the part where someone else is serving you for a change!

  4. Your butterfly photo was a spot of brightness here, too, on this very rainy and windy day. Thank you! Hae a nice Thanksgiving with your mom! I SO agree with you about Black Friday.....

  5. Happy Thankgsiving albeit quiet. Glad you and your sweet mom will have a good meal together. Holidays can be so difficult when you are grieving.
    You buying zingers has me chuckling.....

    glad you are wearing hand knit socks.

  6. As God is my witness I will NEVER go to the grocery on the day before Thanksgiving again. REALLY! What was I thinking???
    Hope you have a great holiday!

  7. Marguerite,

    I've been praying for you and for Glory too. Lovely name!

    Down here in New South Wales we have a very well known grief counsellor, Mal McKissock who runs clinics and talks on the subject and has published several books and many articles.


    I had to use his books as part of a counselling elective I did in my theology degree. Full of compassion and practicality.

    One point he makes is that no matter what caused the grief, it is very real. Do something nice for yourself every single day. Now that will vary with the person. One might like a candle lit bath and a glass of wine, another might like a walk in the bush or just being alone. Another a treat of chocolate or a cup of coffee. Or a new knitting magazine. Good music, photography, whatever. A chat with a friend or a snail mail letter to a friend.

    Find those things which will mean something to you and do something every day to treat yourself. It does not have to be anything big or expensive necessarily, just something you do for you.

    Again, assurance of my prayers for you.

  8. Thinking of you, today.

  9. Glory's having good days from all that good food she's getting!!! Mac and cheese rules!

  10. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you, Glory, Sunny and Pappy. papiokc

  11. Carrie6:35 PM

    Glory looks pretty good in this photo! I'm sure she's grateful for the TLC and special food.

  12. I just downloaded "Still Life", the first Louise Penny book on my Kindle. I'm interested in hearing what you think of it.


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