Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for October 25

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY October 25, 2011...

Outside my window...
There are still a lot of leaves left on the trees and we haven't had a hard frost yet.

I am thinking...
I need to get this post done soon because the forecast is for thunderstorms.

I am thankful for...
GriefShare where I'm learning that getting through grief is messy and can take longer than one might think. At twelve weeks, I'm the newest widow/widower there. Several members are over a year and still going through the process and that is perfectly normal.

I'd like to take care of grief like a regular problem - make a list of things that need to be done to get on with life and check them off one by one until the grief is gone. It doesn't work that way. I can't even predict my state of mind from one minute to the next. The fact that I'm not knitting or feeding the birds is probably a good indication of how messed up I am right now.

From the kitchen...
Blond Brownie Nut Squares from Taste of Home's Cooking for One or Two.

They're even better than they look and would be better yet topped with some ice cream.

I am wearing...
A gray sweatshirt and navy sweatpants that are at least two sizes too big - until I finish eating those Blondie Nut Squares.

I am creating...
A notebook for the recipes I've tried and want to fix again.

Some are new to me, some are old. The recipes in my old notebook that Bob liked more than I did will be quietly retired.

I am going...
To have to take my car in to have rodent stuff removed from the heat ducts again. This time it was chipmunks. I am not amused and neither is my budget.

I am reading...
Serve Yourself, a cookbook from the library.

This is for a serious chef type person who wouldn't dream of opening a can of chicken broth.

In the first chapter there are instructions for making the "basics". For example chicken broth is best when made by boiling corn shucks from the Farmer's Market. Grocery store corn shucks are not fresh enough.

According to this author you should always have some Herbed Lemon Confit handy to use for dishes like Potato and Fennel Pizza, Roast Chicken Leg with Gremolata and Sunchokes, or Tuna, Chickpea, and Arugala Sandwiches.

The recipes in this book are the cooks equivalent to a sock knitter's Cookie A. socks - you have to love doing it or there's no reason to spend the time. Because they're going to take a lot of time.

As for me, I'm glad I didn't buy this book or put it on my wishlist. I won't be keeping any of the recipes in my new notebook. There are an infinate number of yummy things that can be prepared with much less work.

I am hoping...
To have more energy soon.

I am hearing...
Sunny is snoring and Pappy is scratching himself getting ready to whine to go out.

Around the house...
It is very quiet with all the windows shut.

One of my favorite things...
Granddaughter Kimmy who turned sixteen last Sunday.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Wednesday Pappy goes to the vet to have his anal glands checked with grocery shopping and library in the afternoon. Friday is physical therapy.

As boring as that sounds, it's really all I want to deal with right now.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...


  1. Dear Sweet Blog friend M
    I am praying for you today as I read your post. Grief is such hard work. I am glad , so very glad that at least you are cooking and eating. IM inspired by your joining the support group. I love your analogy about sock knitting...as I am sock knitting now!!
    My neighbor (male about 50) asked why I would knit socks if I could buy them......I forgive him!

  2. So glad to hear you have others to walk with you through this journey. There really is no rushing it and no timetable. But I know that God will be with you as you progress. Good analogy for the sock knitting. I'm seriously rethinking my goal to knit through one of Cookie's books. I'm a little jealous or your thunderstorms. We rarely get them here, and wouldn't mind a nice mild one once in a while.

  3. I am glad you wrote a bit more about grieving. I had felt like asking how you were doing with the process last week, but hesitated. This week, you shared, which is good and the time was right for you to share and is part of the process. Great comparison with a basic sock or a Cookie sock.
    Sending a hug your way.

  4. I have a cookbook suggestion for you! Try Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. It makes you feel like a real French baker--and there's bread dough ready in the fridge for a loaf whenever you want one.

  5. You inspired me to get a copy of the Taste of Homes Cooking for One or Two cookbook. The kids are all grown up and out of the house and I don't need to have all the leftovers anymore. The recipes look good and I am ready to try them out. Thank you.


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