These writing prompts are available from
Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.
FOR TODAY September 13, 2011...Outside my window...Wild turkeys. Lots of young ones are roaming the neighborhood this autumn, sometimes standing out in the road holding up traffic. I hope they'll come to the feeder when I start feeding again in a few weeks.
I am thinking...I'll do Simple Woman's Daybook each week until I get back to blogging on a more regular schedule.
I am thankful for... The friends and relatives that are staying in touch and letting me know they're thinking about me and praying for me. I feel blessed by every little thing someone does, says, or writes right now. Even the smallest thing has special meaning and gives comfort.
From the kitchen...I have a new/used cookbook, but haven't actually made anything from it yet. Still eating Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice. Thinking I'll pick one thing for this week's grocery shopping and fix myself something yummy.
I am wearing...Jeans and a very old purple teeshirt with red tulips on the front.
I am creating...Yesterday I went to
Power's Bath and picked out everything for the bathroom rip out and remodel that's scheduled to happen the week of October 10.
I was a little concerned that this might fall under the rule, "Don't make any major decisions for a year." But there is only one bathroom in this little house and it has leaks serious enough so it needs a new subfloor. I really couldn't wait.
I was also concerned that I would be overwhelmed by the choices and not be decisive. That didn't happen. I spotted a beautiful granite counter top in shades of brown and tan I couldn't resist and everything else just fell into place after that.
I don't have a sample of the counter top, darn, because that's what is going to make the room interesting. I do have samples of everything else so I can pick out paint. The background in the picture is the flooring. The light square is all the fixtures - tub, shower surround, toilet, sink. It's an off white called "biscuit". The little dark piece is the oak of the vanity, the medicine cabinet, and the over-the-toilet cupboard. Metal fixtures will be brushed nickel.
I am going...To take a nice long hot bath in my new tub when the bathroom is finished. I've been saving some bathsalts sent by little sister Carrie for the occasion.
I am reading...Silent Mercy by Linda Fairstein. Just started it, so no opinion yet. It's a cop procedural book and starts out gory. I'm hoping it proceeds with interesting detective work and less grossness.
I am hoping...To find a tree service who wants to take care of the willow tree that fell down in the creek. It's starting to grow vertical willow sprouts from all 30 feet of its horizontal position. Be afraid.
I am hearing...Sunny snoring, a plane overhead, the neighbor mowing.
Around the house...There's a new, clean, safe chimney ready for some cozy cool weather fires as soon as I buy some firewood.
Larry, the mason, also re-sealed the seals on the cast iron fireplace insert, oiled the hinges, and lit a brief fire to make sure it was drawing correctly.
This is how I plan to heat the house during winter storm power outages, so it's a comfort to know it's ready.
One of my favorite things...
A few plans for the rest of the week:Tomorrow morning Glory has a vet appointment to have her urine checked and a blood workup to see how her kidneys are doing. She's acting pretty perky for a 15 year old lab, so I'm hoping it's good news.
Otherwise it's more sorting and cleaning out, stashing Goodwill stuff in the trunk, making sure I fill every square inch of Herby for pickup on Thursday.
I need to start calling different tree places as the company I've been calling is not responding or coming when they say they're going to come. Also need to find some seasoned, split firewood to buy from someone who will deliver and stack.
Friday I have a medical appointment, grocery shopping, and library trip.
And, as always, the lawn needs mowing.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...Glory, growing old with dignity and class.