Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for August 9

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY August 9, 2011...

Outside my window...
The only feeder I have active is the hummingbird feeder. This time of year the birds have an abundance of natural food to eat. So do the hummers, but I like to see them and they buzz up and down in front of the window if I let them run out of food.

I am thinking...
Of all the things that need to be done - cleaning out, legal work, paperwork, and home repairs needed for a stress free winter.

I am thankful for...
My friends and family who have supported me during this difficult time.

From the kitchen...
An ant invasion. They are loving the poison, so it should be over soon.

The quarter in the middle of the plate is to keep it from blowing away if there's a breeze.

I am wearing...
Tan shorts and a blue tee. I dress very boring and always hate answering this question.

I am creating...
Another pair of BFF socks out of Stalwart Sock yarn from Slackford Studio. The color is Cote d'Azur, same color as an unfinished sweater that's waiting for sleeves.

I don't knit when under stress, so I haven't knit on them in over a week. Maybe later this week I'll pick them up and finish them.

I am going...
To keep living here for now. With three dogs my only options for moving are places I don't want to live. I'll be using the time to investigate condos and apartments in Kalamazoo.

I am reading...
Some of the early Spenser books by Robert Parker. I found them tucked in an end table. They're just the right amount of interest to take my mind off everything and eventually put me to sleep.

I am hoping...
To find someone to rebuild the chimney before it gets cold enough to turn the heat on. Phone calls have been made.

I am hearing...
The wind blowing through the trees. Somewhere, not too far away, there's a storm but the sky is still blue here.

Around the house...
I've taken several large boxes to Goodwill and have much more to go. I started with cleaning out things that Bob hasn't used or worn in a long time. Most of his more personal and/or used things are still sitting around.

One of my favorite things...
Asiago Peppercorn Steak from Applebees. Comes with red potatoes and broccoli and is labeled 550 calories a plate. Very tasty and guiltfree.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Social Security office to apply for death benefit. New crown installed on tooth followed by lunch with Mom. More cleaning out and sorting. Organizing for appointment with lawyer next week.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Beautiful flowers from John, Anne, and Sydney.


  1. I wondered if you'd be staying in your house. Much sympathy. While dogs are definitely a comfort, they DO complicate the "do I move" equation.

    Clearing things out after a passing -- very hard.

    Love to you...

  2. Good to hear from you again. There are probably lots and lots of things to keep you busy right now, which is probably a good thing. I can imagine how hard it must be to clean out Bob's things. Thinking of you while you make all these decisions.

  3. Continuing to pray for you. Down here the advice is not to make an immediate move unless there are pressing circumstances requiring it. Give yourself some time to adjust.

    I moved four months ago and believe me, even though I had lots of help and have supportive family, it's been a big thing to do. A whole new way of life for me and I am still getting used to it.

    Again, prayers for you.

  4. I agree with all of the comments, and add my condolences. I hope to see you knitting again soon. It's always a reflective time.

  5. Wonderful of you to post. Helps us know you are still with us, breath by breath during this sad time....
    Im glad you have your mom too.

    So glad you have the dogs too.

    Im dressed in black shorts that go below the knee and a very green shirt. I have earrings on today.....and lipstick.

  6. Marquerite, I just read your blog for the first time in several weeks (unusually long time between readings for me!) and realize what a difficult time you have had. My deepest sympathy to someone who has given so much advice and information and motivation so freely to so many people via your blog.
    I don't envy you the life decisions that must be made and, in time,face us all. However, it must be of some comfort to know you have acquired so many friends and followers who care.

  7. Hugs for you from the Deep South! You are still very much in my prayers as you go through the months ahead.

  8. Really beautiful flowers. Your place in the country is wonderful - are there any family members that would like to move to the country? Times are so tough with this economy and it might be a big blessing for someone(just a thought). I know that whatever decision you make - with your wisdom, it will all work out for the best.

  9. I've been thinking about you.

    (I dress boring, too - shorts and a t-shirt. I just put on the top shirt on the clean pile in my drawer.)

  10. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Prayers continue here as well.


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