Sunday, August 07, 2011

A Week Later

Thank you all so much for your encouraging comments and especially for your prayers.

Bob has been ill for several years and lately had been failing rapidly. He was ready to move on to a new body and a better life. He died quickly and peacefully in his own bed, which is what he would have chosen if the choice had been his.

Son John blogged about Bob here.

Today Bob's obituary was in the Kalamazoo Gazette and the Battle Creek Enquirer. The best job of posting it online was done by the Paw Paw Courier Leader, here.

Even though I haven't knit a stitch or taken a picture in over a week, my intention is to start blogging again this coming week.


  1. Take your time. We'll be here thinking about you and praying for you and your family.

  2. It's good to hear from you. I've been thinking about you a lot this week and praying for peace and comfort. Thanks for the links - it was nice to learn a little more about Bob. It's very obvious he was very much loved.

  3. I've been thinking about you and hoping you were doing as well as possible. I was worried when you talked about the power going out a while back and having to deal with oxygen bottles and whatnot.

    Much love to you and to your family. Your online friends love youl

  4. Joanne10:24 PM

    I was so shocked to read of your husband's passing today. I'm sorry. I have read your blog for years and feel as if I know you and your loss is certainly shared. Take care of yourself. Take time to remember the special good times. With caring,

  5. If your blogging is a comfort, go for it. Your mind will wander, not want to focus, so just go with the flow. It is all part of the grieving process. do what is best for you. My thoughts are with you.

  6. Thank you for taking the time to share the links about Bob. I've been thinking about you. I agree that passing quietly at home is best. Take care of yourself.

  7. Anonymous6:08 AM

    What more can I say that has not already been said. I've thought of you and your family every day and wondered how you are. I hope your family and friends have been a comfort. Thanks for the links which allowed us to learn more about your husband. Just remember he is in a better place.

  8. Good to hear from you.....
    Take care of yourself.....
    And of course, I am thinking of you.

  9. Your pretend friends love you and are here for you M. if return to blogging feels good, you go girl

  10. Have been thinking about you all week. John's tribute to Bob is lovely. If you feel like blogging, great. If not, that's fine, too. We'll be here for you. Take care of yourself....

  11. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. So sorry to hear about Bob's death. I'll be thinking about you & your family.


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