Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday Wings - Female Oriole

The female Orioles (right) are less brillant than the males (left), but just as beautiful.

I love the mix of oranges and browns.

To weave their intricate hanging basket nests in the treetops they must be very agile.


  1. Beautiful pictures. I think I need to find one of those feeders. It would make a great father's day present for my father and my husband.
    Hope you are up at feeling yourself real soon.

  2. Hope each day finds you feeling better, Marguerite! That one shot makes your oriole look a bit like a skinny robin! Have you ever seen them building their nest? I've only seen pictures.

  3. I love the last image the most. Her feet look so delicate.

  4. I agree, the brown and orange look really well together. Glad to hear you are slowing on the mend....

  5. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Hope you are feeling better! Blogger would not allow me to post (or even sign on to MY blog) for several days but I wanted to send good wishes your way.

    Gorgeous bird photos.

  6. I hope your dental work is settling down by now. I'm enjoying your bird pictures. Totally different birds to down here.

  7. Sure hope everything is ok in your corner of the world. Has your mouth healed well? or is it painful still?
    Looking forward to "seeing" you again.


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