Saturday, June 11, 2011

Chat Back for June 11

Responding to comments left since the last time I did Chat Back.

Mr. Squirrel (and many others) want to know . . .
Where are you?
Right here.

It's been a tough spring. In an attempt to keep this blog light and positive, let's just move on and not talk about it.

Kathy B. asked . . .
I wonder though if the mess of the (sunflower seeds from the bird feeders) shells can be kept up with somehow.
Maybe somehow, but I don't know the answer.

They make good mulch, but it all requires work.

Many readers . . .
commented and left helpful and encouraging comments about my endodontic surgery
Thank you.

I had an infected, undeveloped tooth bud removed from my jaw that was wedged between the roots of two teeth and near my right side facial nerve.

Just last week the pain has dimmed to occasional ache. Parts of my jaw are still numb and the nerve sometimes jumps and tingles. Estimated time to return to completely normal, six months. But it's mostly ignorable now and regular Tylenol works well.

Judy S. asked . . .
Have you ever seen them (the Orioles) building their nest?
The nests are very high up in the tallest trees and with the leaves blocking my view I've never seen the weaving of the nest.

A few years ago when a tall willow blew down, there was an old Oriole nest in the top branches and I got a chance to admire the handiwork. It was amazing.


  1. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Hi Marguerite,

    I just signed on to your blog to see the last time you posted before I wrote to you and was surprised to see your post today! I've been thinking about you. Hope your pain is tolerable!

  2. Do you ever check in to the Wild Birds Unlimited blog? Great pictures!

    I'm glad your feeling better.

  3. Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery! Dental pain is the worst. You really have been missed!!

  4. Glad to see you back and hope this means you're on the mend! Hugs!

  5. I've missed you, too. I hope your recovery goes well from now on. Thank goodness for Tylenol!

    I love that squirrel picture!

  6. I am so glad to see you back--have checked your blog regularly, and always saw the Oriole post with a sinking heart. Hope all the hard times are well behind you, and onward to a wonderful summer!

  7. You've been on my heart lately.

    Yesterday I saw an oriole while 'up north' at my sister's house. I immediately thought of you!

  8. I've often wished I could just grow a new set of teeth, but ow! An infection in an undeveloped tooth bud sounds like no fun at all!

    (Verification words are SO weird: this one is "budin"!)


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