Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pictureless Update

The endodontic surgery went well but turned out to be more complex than expected.

Every day shows improvement, but I'm still having some pain and taking it easy without the urge to create a blog post.

The Metro sweater is almost done. I'm on the last sleeve and then there is only the collar left. It's been a pleasant, simple, quick knit. Pictures soon.

Four Bluebird hatchlings are a week old tomorrow and doing well. Mostly it's been too wet and/or chilly and/or windy to open the nest box.

The Orioles are still coming to the Oriole feeder to eat oranges and grape jelly. They brighten my days and I'm hopeful they'll bring their fledglings in a few weeks.

Thanks to all my blog friends who left good wishes. I'm hoping to regain my blogging mojo and return soon.


  1. Heal well, Marguerite...have been sending good wishes out to you during this quiet time, and look forward to hearing that you are feeling like yourself again!

  2. M: so glad you are on the mend. IM glad you are not feeling post pressures. We understand. Glad the little baby birds are coming along...

  3. Glad to hear from you! Looking forward to bluebird pics. ("My" oriole pair frequent the neighbor's hummingbird feeder, not mine... so I put out some orange slices. They don't seem to be interested.)

  4. Glad that surgery is behind you and sending lots of good thoughts your way. Heal quickly!

  5. I'll chime in and send my good wishes for you to feel better soon. Take it easy in the meantime.

  6. Hope you have plenty of birds to distract you!

    I saw an indigo bunting yesterday, but I was too slow with the camera.

  7. Oh, no! I was at conferences for most of the last two weeks, so am just now catching up on blogs.

    I'm sorry your surgery didn't go quite as planned, but I'm glad you're feeling better -- hang in there, because you know that eventually it will all be better!


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