Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Now, What Was I Going to Knit With This?

Look what I got today! The Cascade 220 (Color 8708) ordered from a local yarn store two months ago.

The hardest part of waiting two months was keeping the urge to knit this sweater, the She Said Aran designed by Barbara Venishnick from Knitter's Magazine Winter 1999, #57.

Several other projects have tempted my needles, especially after getting the Elann Sample Skeins But I knew this yarn was coming and didn't want to stash it. As of today I'm the owner of ten skeins of very purple Cascade 220, and I'm going to give this sweater a try.

I plan to cast on this evening.

Regular readers may be wondering about a swatch. After looking at this pattern and doing some muttering to myself, I've decided I may as well just start knitting the back and do a wash/block when it's about ten inches. The bottom two thirds of this sweater is nothing but a cabled ribbing - next to impossible to measure accurately from a swatch.

There are now 50 comments on my Let's Generate Some Comments

I'm working my way down from the top to respond and am on number sixteen. So far over half, eight out of fifteen, comments have been from readers I didn't know before getting the comment. As previously mentioned, I'm taking my time but intend to finish the list. Thanks to everyone who left a comment.

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