Let the past sleep, but let it sleep in the sweet embrace of Christ, and let us go on into the invincible future with Him. (Oswalt Chambers)

Tuesday, November 04, 2014


Most of these pictures got posted on Facebook, but some of my dear friends (hi Marsh and Barb) aren't on Facebook. So, here is a brief summary of the past weeks when I've been too tired and busy to post on the blog.

Memo to myself: You are too old to move again. You may have been too old to move this time.

October 15 was the day I officially sold my house in Paw Paw. It would have been nice to have time to celebrate this happy day, but Jay and I were both frantically sorting and packing and arranging for movers to come a week later.

Daughter Heather and Jason came to help me pack. I never would have made it without them. I thought I was organized and ready, but as we packed things kept materializing out of nowhere.

8:30 Wednesday morning, October 22, our eight month wedding anniversary, three movers arrived at Jay's townhouse and two movers arrived at my house in Paw Paw. We combined household belongings at Oak Haven and officially started living together.

Our new Sleep Number bed was delivered the day before we moved in.

Sunny's Sleep Number is 35.

Thursday, the day after we moved in, Jay boggled my mind by picking up his vegetable allotment from the Kalamazoo Nature Center. He washed them and spread them out to dry on the island in the new kitchen.

At this point in our moving, we still had not located the silverware and were operating with two spoons. It's amazing what can be done with two spoons. Why do we need forks and knives?

Last week the landscapers arrived with potted plants. It appears we may even get grass planted yet this fall.

Yesterday they returned with a large rock for the garden (not shown), and a Red Sunset Maple for the front yard.

I don't have a good closing for this post. We are still heavy in the process of getting settled, meaning we are far from done. To be continued.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy things are coming together. You've been on a long hard road. It's so wonderful that the hard work was worth the journey