Weather in SW Michigan ...
Very hot. Mid 90s yesterday. Maybe 100 today.
Very dry. The lawn is brown. The creek is shallow.
I'm sitting in front of the fan and plan on spending the rest of the day reading in the same spot.
Really? ...
This female downy woodpecker and a male downy woodpecker spent several hours drinking the hummingbird feeder dry.
I've never seen woodpeckers drink sugar water before. The hummers wouldn't drink with a woodpecker on their feeder.
Something from the kitchen ...
Leftovers from Mom's birthday dinner. Box decorated by granddaughter Kimmy.
I am creating...
Still working on the doily but have to admit it hasn't been a priority. I'm up to 272 stitches/round and am spending a lot of my knitting time counting stitches so I don't have to tink back. That's how I keep the process relaxing, but it doesn't make for quick progress.
I am NOT procrastinating ...
Getting the building in Paw Paw cleaned out, cleaned up, and on the market. It feels so good to have this done. Now if buildings in Paw Paw were only selling a little better.
I am reading...
Dying for Mercy by Mary Jane Clark. I've read several in this series. They're well written, nicely plotted, and easy reading.
I am hearing...
The fan.
Outdoors ...
The guys are still working on the barn. They found a concrete driveway buried under about a foot of dirt. Being guys, they had to dig it out and see what it was.
Unfortunately a sunken driveway isn't very useful, so, being guys, they had fun re-landscaping the area with a Bobcat.
Something new for me ...
Some Web's 50% linen, 50% cotton fingering weight yarn to try out for knitting doilies.
A few plans for the next few days
As mentioned above, the plans for today are to not overheat.
Thursday I'm having dinner with friend I haven't seen in over a year. I've been widowed. She's newly engaged. We have a lot of catching up to do.
Giving thanks for ...
The power getting restored quickly today. It was off from noon to two on this, the hottest day of the year.
And ...
I have two spring fed ponds and a clear running creek on my property, but the birds think it's a treat to drink the stagnant water in the ant moat.