Friday, March 30, 2012

Snapshot For March 30, 2012

Weather in SW Michigan ...
Warm, weird, wonderful, and worrisome.

Daffodils have bloomed and faded. Flowering shrubs that usually bloom the first half of May are blooming now. Everyone, especially the fruit growers, are wondering what will happen because our SW Michigan average last frost date is mid-May.

This picture is several weeks old.

Really? ...
I'm not playing the Megamillions today (it is up to over half a billion dollars this week) because I don't want that much money. One million would be nice and comforting. Five-hundred million is just too life changing.

I would feel different if I could win it anonymously, but national attention for becoming super rich is a very uncomfortable thought.

Something from the kitchen ...
Crock Pot Chicken with Black Beans and Cream Cheese. Never made this before but it looks easy and yummy and I have the ingredients ready to go.

I am creating...
Another pair of simple socks from the Opal VanGogh collection.

I am procrastinating ...
Getting a new laptop and looking into high speed internet which is now available here via Frontier Communications.

I am reading...
The seventh Louise Penny book A Trick of the Light: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel.

I've enjoyed this series and am sorry to be at the end.

As I mention each time I write about these books, they need to be read in chronological order to be enjoyed.

I am hearing...
The quiet fall of spring rain.

Outdoors ...
The bluebirds have claimed a house and started a nest.

Something new for me ...
Anyone remember the raccoons that were living in the rotten add-on of the barn?

I'm finally fixing up the barn. Well, actually Matt and Nate are working on the barn and I'm paying the bill.

Here goes one of the walls into the dumpster, right where it belongs.

A few plans for the next few days ...
I am sorting out bins of stuff in the basement. Amazing the things we keep with no idea where or when we might want to see them or use them again. The only fun part of this is seeing the progress and knowing it will be done someday. At least I hope so.

Giving thanks for ...

Two weeks ago I started a new session. It's not that I flunked the first time through. It's just that the program is so rich that a grieving person can get additional blessings and benefits from going through it again. At eight months into widowhood I'm getting insights that I missed the first time when the grief was fresh.

An excellent program if it's available in your area.

Question ...
Anyone had any experience taking Forteo? I've had unacceptable side effects from the oral osteoporosis drugs and doctor has suggested I try Forteo. If you've taken this drug I would appreciate your comment. Or email me.


  1. Was thinking of you just this morning when the map had snow in parts of Michigan. Glad to hear it's just rain in your area... Good to hear from you,

    ~~Mary in FL~~

  2. so good to hear from you!! i love your bluebirds

  3. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I'm really loving those VanGoh yarns. There's an exhibit in Seattle with a lot of his paintings that I should go see. It's good to hear that you're getting the support you need. I do hope your spring is here to stay. Frost in May! Makes me appreciate our weather even more, even if it's been raining for a week straight!

  4. I love the design of the sock yarn. It reminds me of forests and lakes.

  5. Am enjoying reading your posts. A nice reprise from tax season. Sent you a note, probably too long. When do we plant our gardens this year?
    The warm weather is way too early for me.

  6. Love those bluebirds! Sure wish they'd show up here. Great socks! Opal has such nice colors.

  7. There's a new Inspector Gamache book coming in August! I've already pre-ordered it from Amazon.

  8. So happy to see your post.
    You are inspiring to me, as we will all go through intense grief too.....

    i love love love your socks


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