Saturday, March 10, 2012

Snapshot for March 10, 2012

Weather in SW Michigan ...
The ground was cold and frozen this morning, but it's warming up today and the forecast is springlike weather for at least a week.

Wondering About Chickens ...
My neighbor has free range chickens. Today while I was walking the dogs they were over near our property line. They never come over to visit even though I'm sure my yard is full of yummy things that chickens like to eat, and they don't go out in the road.

How do chickens learn to stay home?

Something from the kitchen ...
Living miles from a store and grocery shopping once a week is good for the diet. If I can make it through the shopping without buying something wicked (= fattening), I'm pretty much doomed to a week without too many extra calories.

The past two weeks I've been experimenting with buying a package of cookies, dividing them by seven, and only eating a day's worth each day. The first week it went well. The second week (caramel scones), I only made it three days. This week I'm totally flunking the test with some very yummy oatmeal cookies. Sigh.

Time for a new plan.

I am creating...
A self-centered home for one.

I am procrastinating ...
It's (past)time to move Bob's computer equipment out of the living room.

It's been sitting there for seven months without being turned on and I've been ignoring it thinking I would take care of it some day when I felt better. Now it's to the point I think I'll feel better if I take care of it.

A good friend offered to come help me get through it, but I think I'd rather do it myself.

I am reading...
Bury Your Dead (Chief Inspector Gamache) by Louise Penny.

The Gamache mysteries are so much more than a normal mystery. They are rich stories about interesting people, the things they do, and why they do them.

To fully enjoy them, they need to be read in the order written.

I am hearing...

Outdoors ...
It's an early spring after a mild winter.

Even if we have another snow storm, and there's a good chance of that since it's only the first part of March, the snow isn't going to last long. The days are longer and green things are erupting from the earth.

A few plans for the next few days
Church tomorrow. Lunch with a friend on Monday. Do some work in the yard and see how my body handles it. Enjoy the beautiful spring weather before the black flies hatch.

Giving thanks for ...
The income taxes are done.

It turned out to be a bit more unpleasant than usual. I hadn't thought ahead that getting the numbers ready was going to involve reviewing medical bills and adding up medical miles for Bob's last seven months - memories I didn't want to revisit in that much detail.

But everything is done now except for paying the CPA and the signoff for the electronic filing. I am thankful it is finished.

And ...
The deer have been in the yard all winter scratching in the snow to eat the acorns.

No shortage of food for them this year and no deep snow to keep them from moving around to find it. That translates into hardly any winter kill and a larger deer population than the normal large deer population. I expect most of my hostas to be eaten to the ground by the end of June.

Still, I love to see them.


  1. Donna6:19 PM

    Iam so glad you enjoy the books!! I have read the whole series and just couldn't be done with them, so now Iam listening to them on cds have rented Still Life right now.

  2. I, too, am glad you are enjoying the Inspector Gamache books! I believe the next one will be out in August. I want to reread them before that.

  3. Thanks to you I've become addicted to the Inspector Gamache series! I'm also reading 'Bury Your Dead' now. Was getting them from the library, but have started ordering them in paperback a few at a time from Amazon because I know I'll be re-reading them over and over. So enjoyable, thanks!

    Taking down Bob's computer is going to be hard for you, especially the first few days or so. But you'll get used to not seeing it there. Just take it slowly. If it upsets you too much, you can always put it back until you're feeling stronger. And please don't think of it as a self-centered home. It's far from that. God still has a purpose for you, Maguerite. And right now it's to take care of yourself and the dogs while you're mourning your loss. You're carrying on, and doing a splendid job of it even if you don't think so. Prayers, my friend.

  4. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I tend to strategize a lot! I think we too will have an early spring. We are so ready. Although it's been mild, the grey skies are getting tiresome. We have daffodils blooming and in a few weeks the tulip fields will be in their full glory. Off to check out those books. I do love a good series.

  5. I did some backyard cleanup this weekend. What a wonderful gift this weather has been.
    Not to mention what a gift the milder winter was.
    Hope you are feeling better!

  6. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Sounds like those of us in the South are not alone in having warm weather. My tulips ae already blooming ad the Spring flowering trees are in full bloom. I will need the A/C this week - lol.

    Marguerite, I still think of you very often. Don't stay in isolate too long.

  7. Love that you can see the deer from your place!

    you are doing so well M.

    Taxes and bill reminders of a loved one are difficult. Looks like you survived another milestone friend.

  8. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Hope all is well, your jaw is healing and spring is visiting your nature playground. Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and the pups. papiokc


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