Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook for September 6

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Tuesday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY September 6, 2011 ...

Outside my window...
It's allergy season.

I am thinking...
About how annoying it is when I call someone to do a job and they don't call back and/or don't show up for the estimate when they say they're coming. If they're too busy to do the work or they don't want to work in this area, why don't they just say so?

I am thankful for...
Larry, the mason who started work today so I could have a new chimney before winter. The old crumbling brick has been removed. New brick tomorrow.

From the kitchen...
I have not been cooking. Lean Cousine and Healthy Choice frozen dinners are all starting to taste alike, so I'm thinking it's time to learn to cook for one.

I am wearing...
Jeans and a turquoise sweatshirt.

I am creating...
Lists and more lists. There is so much that needs to be done before life can begin to mold itself back into a routine flow.

I am going...
To pick up my knitting again soon. It's been over a month now since I knit a stitch. The socks I was working on are sitting in the back room. They're probably dusty by now.

I am reading...
The Inspector Wexford series by Ruth Rendell and also some of her stand alone novels.

Also Through a Season of Grief: Devotions for Your Journey from Mourning to Joy. Today's page was "Grief Lasts Longer Than Expected". And a piece of wisdom I found encouraging: "Knowing the Lord and His comfort does not take away the ache; instead, it supports you in the middle of the ache."

I am hoping...
That tomorrow is the last visit to the vet for a while.

Pappy is going in for an anal gland infusion.

Glory is having a urine check after her third round of antibiotics for a urinary tract infection. If the infection returns this time the vet is going to do a culture and possibly an ultrasound on her kidneys to look for underlying issues. Since her current med, Bactril, cost almost four dollars a pill, I'm thinking I should be able to look forward to the day when Glory is infection free and I'm not catching doggy urine samples.

I am hearing...
Dogs snoring. They're all exhausted. Having strange men in the yard and on the roof taking down a chimney was noisy and stressful today. It required a lot of barking and diving under the bed. The dogs, not me. I was happy.

Around the house...
Now that the chimney is underway, the next urgent project is the bathroom. The subfloor needs replacing from leaks so I'm taking the opportunity to redo it all. I have an estimate and now need to make an appointment to pick out colors and fixtures.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Today I had a followup mammogram and ultrasound. (All is OK, or it will be OK once my nerves recover.) Wednesday is Pappy's anal gland infusion, so he'll be drugged up. Glory is having her urine checked. Thursday is a haircut and lunch with Mom. Friday I'm taking Mom to a medical appointment.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

The days are getting shorter and cooler. Now, how do I get this door open so I can hop into the nice warm house?


  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I just want you to know I love you and care about you. I often think, "We do not grieve as do those who have no hope...but we do grieve." Safely rest. God is nigh.

  2. Good to see your post, Marguerite. You've definitely been in my thoughts these past several weeks. Big hugs. (Love the toad photo!) Or is it a frog?

  3. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Great to find a new entry on your blog today. You've been missed even though we all realize blogging isn't high on your "to do" list these days.
    We have the same problem with repairmen in our area. Don't return calls, never show up as promised, etc. Strange in this time of uncertainty. Its not even hunting season up here!!
    Take care.

  4. Good to hear you are not barking and diving! I think of you often and you are always in my prayers. Yes, you are right, God does not promise we will not experience grief, but he does promise that he will be there. And your imaginary friends (as the Knitting Doctor calls her blogging friends) are here too to support you - for however long it takes!

  5. I've been thinking of you too. Thank you for posting. Doing all of the home projects must be unsettling for you as well. Continued wishes of peace,


  6. Love that quote from the Season of Grief book. Thanks for sharing it.

  7. You hang in there . , M. Im glad you have your mom. I am praying to St. Francis for your pups. You need them to be well.
    I remember when grieving myself, years ago, a priest friend told me that Jesus was as sad as I was about it.
    it comforted me to know He was sad with me


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