Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday Already?

Thank you for your prayers and notes of encouragement. They mean so much to me during this "difficult time", as everyone rightfully calls it.

If it's Thursday, which it is, then it's been a week since I posted. And knowing that many of my blogging friends have been thinking of me and praying for me, I need to post something here to let you know I'm functional and busy.

In the past week I've arranged for retaining wall pavers to replace the crumbling cement retaining walls in the front of the house, a crumbling chimney tear down and rebuild before the weather gets too cold, and an estimate on a much needed makeover for the bathroom.

The tree service has been on vacation but should be back by now and I intend to bug him starting tomorrow about the willow tree.

I feel like I'm playing Beat the Clock with winter. (Anyone old enough to remember that TV show?) It's going to be a close race.

Many things have been cleaned out and hopefully blessed the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission and Goodwill, including a nineteen year old Jeep. There will be much more donating as I work through the house.

I'm working off adrenaline and haven't knit a stitch in a month. I realize this goes against Elizabeth Zimmerman's edict, "Knit on with confidence and hope, through all crises." I don't find crisis knitting soothing at all, so I've been trying to relax by reading and randomly jumping up to attend to whatever pops into my mind.

Walking the dogs should be a pleasure this time of year, but for the past month mosquitoes have been making outdoors miserable by swarming around my head every time I walk out the door. Some days I resort to Deep-Woods Off, but I hate putting it on. I can taste it and smell it even after showering it away. Nothing milder discourages them.

Glory's urinary tract infection returned and she's on antibiotics again - stronger and longer this time around. Pappy had an anal gland infection and if he's not better by next Tuesday he will get anesthetic and an anal gland infusion. Sunny is fine. She and I are spending some one on one snuggle time right now while the other two dogs are at the groomer.

I'm looking forward to the day when there is a "new normal". Meanwhile I'm getting a lot done. That's a good thing because I'm not going to relax until things are under control and I'm able to hibernate here for the winter with a safe chimney and a bathroom that doesn't leak.

I'll try not to go a week without blogging again, but promise nothing. This really is a "difficult time".


  1. You are often on my mind.
    I bet 'difficult time' barely scratches the surface of it.

  2. Oh, Marguerite, how out of touch I've been! Am just now reading what you've been through recently and want you to know you are in my thoughts right now. Take care my friend and big hugs from the PNW. I am so sorry for your loss.

  3. Dear sweet Friend M,

    I hope you feel your dear husbands nearness somehow in the lonely new days.....
    knit when you are ready.....
    we are here for you and prayers continue......

    any family around for you? Bless the dear dogs

  4. I remember Beat the Clock, and I'm remembering you till next time.

  5. Thinking of you often, Marguerite. Praying for a mild winter, an early spring, and you.

  6. Thanks for checking in. I know you have a lot on your plate and really appreciate you taking the time for a post to let us know how you're doing.

    Extra hugs to Pappy, that anal gland infusion does NOT sound fun.

  7. Such a busy time for you. I hope that you get all work done before winter sets in and I hope the dogs are better soon. It seems like life throws garbage at us in waves. I hope your tide ebbs soon. Take care of yourself.

  8. You need to do whatever you feel up to doing, you are such an incredible woman and as one of your readers, am happy when you can post, but it is so understandable if you need a bit of a break. Take Care - Hugs!

  9. I think of you often! It's probably good that you have a lot to keep you busy. There will be a new normal one day. In the meantime, it sounds as if you're able to do what needs to be done. Mosquitoes - ugh! I am so grateful that we don't have them here. But I do remember the ones we had in Alaska - rumors were they were know the carry off small animals.

  10. Take your time, Marguerite and do what helps you both now and for the future, like fixing the bathroom. we'll still be around and as I said, I pray for you when i pop in for a visit.

  11. I'm glad you are posting once in a while, it gives me hope having lost my husband last week. Like you, I'm busy taking care of the things we let slide during his illness and preparing for winter. It's comforting to see someone else doing the same. My thoughts have been and will continue to be with you.

  12. Feel no obligation to your blog readers, or if you do, NEVER feel guilty if you don't post.

    I think of you and the dogs often, with love and concern. Do whatever you need to do for yourself. And take care of YOURSELF too.

    Much love...

  13. I'm sure your days blur together....separated by a lot of different emotions and keeping busy.
    I look forward to reading about your new knitting project when it happens.
    Until then, take care of yourself, your fur kids and know that caring and prayer is coming your way across the "interwebs".

  14. long time reader but hadn't checked blogs in a while. Was surprised to hear of your loss and what you are going through.

  15. My goodness... no promises are expected! None!!! Do what is necessary for you to do and visit with us when you have the time and/or the inclination. No worries...we can wait as long as you need.


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