Friday, March 04, 2011

Very Early Signs of Spring

March is a transition month. Some days are very wintry, other days give us a hint of spring. After a low of 12F last night, today warmed up for some thawing. Over the weekend we're forecast to be frozen again.

March is a colorless month. But it is March and that means spring is coming, so we look for little signs that it's on the way.

The John Deere dealership picked up the tractor for its spring maintenance this afternoon. In a little over a month from now, the grass will need mowing.

Before I can mow, I'll be spending several hours picking up sticks. Lots of wind and ice this winter has resulted in a yard full, same as every other winter.

The newspaper delivery guy put up a new pole for the paper box today. The old pole lost its battle with the snow plow.

He wasn't able to sink the pole very deep because the ground is still frozen. There's more snow in the forecast and I think this early effort is overly optimistic, but I give him credit for taking the chance.


  1. Love that silvery color on the vest you're making! We have just a tiny patch of snow left from last week's storm. Must say we're happy to see March although it seems to be acting right lionish. Did you make the sampler in the Gansey book? It's quite an intriguing book; thanks for suggesting it!

  2. I was surprised to see how little snow you have left. I expected that you were still knee deep. March is very interesting here in that it is full of color. It is actually greener here in the winter than in late summer. All those evergreens! I guess that's why they call Seattle the "Emerald City."

  3. Good to see the dog even in black and white....adding color to the greys of march!


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