Monday, February 07, 2011

Working on the Red X Gansey

While my mind is whirling about what projects I want to knit next, my hands are working on finishing up projects that have been sitting around for a while.

This Red X Gansey has been waiting many months for some sleeves. Now the first sleeve is done and the second sleeve started.

No stopping now until it's finished it I want the sleeves to match. I took good notes on the first sleeve but my knitting notes tend to lose their meaning when left sitting around too long.

Here's an underarm view of the faux seam and the little gusset.

Pattern: Basic gansey template. Picking stitch patterns selected from various stitch collections.

Yarn: Knitpicks Cotlin. 70% Tanguis Cotton, 30% Linen. DK weight.

Color: Moroccan Red.

Needles: Options #3.

Gauge: 6 stitches/inch, 8.5 rows/inch in pattern.


  1. I have to laugh about your comment about the notes losing meaning if left lying around too long! I've found that keeping notes only goes too far - like you if they lie around too long, they don't make sense. I'm jonesing to start a gansey, and your Red X just reinforces that. It's beautiful!

  2. How pretty! You have a gansey template? Could you explain? I love the patterns you used, and you sure got great stitch definition. Good job!

  3. Anonymous6:32 AM

    What a gorgeous sweater! You know I love the color too - vbg.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Looks like you got your Clifford sweater!


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