Wednesday, February 09, 2011

What To Knit Next?

I have several projects rolling around in my brain.

I need the promise of something new and interesting to get me through the seemingly endless sleeves I'm knitting. When the sleeves of the Red X Gansey are done, I have two sleeves to knit on another sweater I started months ago.

What is it about sleeves? I'd rather knit two sweater bodies than two sleeves. Even though I have short arms, sweater sleeves just seem to go on and on forever and ever.

Lack of sleeves is why this might be a good next project. It's called Oversize Lace Top by Deborah Newton, published in Spring/Summer 2007 Vogue Knitting.

Whoever named this one is more unimaginative than I am at naming knitting patterns. But, I think it is pretty and looks like it would be fun to knit and easy to wear over a longer sleeved cotton top.

Another project I want to knit for spring is this pretty little Brandywine sweater by Kathy Zimmerman.

The pattern comes in a pamphlet called Hot House published by Classic Elite that contains five patterns named after tomatoes. Really. I dare someone to explain to me what this pretty little lace cardigan has to do with tomatoes.

The patterns were written for Classic Silk, 50% Cotton, 30% Silk, 20% Nylon with a nubby look.

The pattern is ordered and I'm contemplating what yarn and what color I'd like to use. It won't be Classic Silk. Knitting with silk hurts my hands and I don't care for the feel of it. Combining it with cotton and nylon can't possible improve it.

Alice Starmore's Irish Moss is also on my A list of projects and it also needs a yarn choice.

I'm wondering if I can knit it seamless, top down, FLAK style. Maybe even in the same yarn, Elann's Puruvian Highland Wool. I'll be doing some swatching before making up my mind.

Then there's the Knitpicks Andean Treasure yarn that is totally unsuitable for the project I thought I was going to use it for. It wants to be something plain and simple so I'm considering a top down cardigan. With sleeves.


  1. Nice to have choices, isn't it? I love the blue one. I agree, sleeves are like making 2 more backs!

  2. What beautiful choices - I wouldn't know where to start. Probably can't (or wouldn't) start all three at once, eh? I had to go give Irish Moss a look-see. I have some Peruvian Highland wool marinating in my stash - unless I decide to give FLAK another try.

  3. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I have the same dilemma as you trying to decide what to knit next. I started "Metro" but it is very boring.

    Have you looked at Alice Starmore's Inishmore? I like mine so much that I want to knit another - in black.

  4. I have the same problem deciding what to work on next. I have so many projects in my queue. I like Brandywine and Irish Moss. I'd probably lean towards Brandywine since spring will be coming (hopefully) soon. That yarn looks yummy. Good luck choosing!

  5. well you had to dare me didnt' you. Clearly we stew over our knitting and that is the tomato link....

  6. Before there was Second Sock Syndrome, I believe there was Second Sleeve Syndrome. As a new knitter many years ago, I was always deflated by how flippin' long sleeves took just when I thought a sweater was on the homestretch. Now I know better and have adjusted my mindset to think that sleeves are almost as much work as a front and a back...and have taken up obsessive sock knitting as my solution.


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