Sunday, August 08, 2010

Chat Back for August 8

Answering questions from comments and email.

Marie asked . . .
Will you knit each pair of sleeves simultaneously?

Occasionally I do, but usually I don't. I only do it when I'm sure there isn't going to be a sleeve fitting challenge. I frequently frog sleeves to get a better fit.

Even for simple sleeves I need to recalculate the decreases - or increases if I'm knitting bottom up - because I have shorter than normal pattern length arms.

Judy S. wrote . . .
Great robin photo; I hope she hangs in there.....

The robin nest in the front yard was abandoned. I think the eggs got cooked in the heat.

Judy S. asked . . .
Have you read the Mrs. Pollifax mysteries....they're fun!

And Jean asked . . .
Have you ever read the Mrs. Pollifax mysteries? They are a light read and well written, reminds me of Miss Marple.

Not yet, but I'm looking forward to doing so. Thanks for the suggestion.

The first in the series, The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax, isn't available at my usual library, but I've located it at the Paw Paw Library and will picking it up next time I'm in Paw Paw.

Alwen wrote . . .
It's hard to take pictures when you're smacking mosquitoes!

A week or so ago the number of mosquitoes went back to normal for a few days. Last week we had another hatch and it's almost impossible to be outdoors again.

Some days I find myself wondering what it would be like to live in the city with closed windows and air conditioning and a hired dog walker. I probably wouldn't like it, but it might make for a nice vacation.

Alwen wrote . . .
I would call your blackberries black raspberries (hollow in the center when you pick them). I have those and what I call blackberries (the center stays in when you pick them).

Yes, the stalk I called a blackberry here is a raspberry. A wimpy stalk with wimpy thorns compared to the real blackberries that make up most of the wicked stalks in our field.

Alwen, who lives nearby in SW Michigan, posted blackberry tutorial in this Thorny Post.

Then Judy S. wrote . . .
I put some WA blackberries on my blog for you....

Check out Judy's post here.

My thickest canes are only a half inch in diameter. Washington blackberries with the one inch canes put my blackberries to shame.

My blackberry thorns draw blood and grab my clothing, but eventually I can get free and win the fight. I don't think I could win a fight with Judy's thorns.

Dorothy wrote . . .
I also agree that it's probably way too hot to be thinking of knitting cardigans. Perhaps a nice sock would be in order.

Oh, I agree.

This is a skein of Stalwart Sock from Slackford Studio that I won in a contest. It came without a label, but I think the color is Skydive. I picked out an interesting basketweave pattern for it, not realizing it was going to make such pretty stripes. By the time the ribbings were knit, I knew Skydive just wanted to be a plain sock.

Shirley asked . . .
I love the hummingbird photo. Is it a Ruby-throated hummer?

Yes it is. Ruby Throated Hummingbirds are the only ones that range in SW Michigan.

It's amusing to see them perched on the power lines like the big birds. They look like a little bump sitting up there.


  1. Beautiful blue color. I need to use up some of my sock yarn before I buy again, but when I do I'm going to check out Slackford Studios.

  2. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Thank you for the answer about the sleeves, Marguerite--it IS easier to work out modifications with knitting in hand, I agree. I sometimes use a single sleeve as a gauge swatch, as it is less to rip if gauge is off. I work two at once only when slavishly following a pattern, so I only have to mark all those pins once.

    BTW, I heartily concur with the suggestions for Mrs. Pollifax mysteries. They are light and sweet and lots of fun--I was charmed by her character.


  3. Love those blue socks! They remind me of your bluebird babies. How are they doing?


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