Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Opal, Panda Cotton, and Panda Soy

I'm still knitting away on John's Birthday Socks. Both socks are past the gusset decreases. Maybe they'll be done by the end of the week.

Next up for socks? More birthday socks.

Dog trainer Gail's birthday is March 18, the same as John. She requested Opal with some gray and/or black, so I ordered the two skeins above from Simply Socks Yarn Company.

Both are from the Rainforest Collection, colorways based on creatures in the rainforest. On the left, Oskar, a black and white butterfly. On the right, Emil, a furry monkey.

I may ask Gail to pick her favorite, or I may knit both skeins for her. The dogs and I have had eight pleasurable years at doggy school and I'm sad to say they're coming to an end soon. Sunny had to stop going because of her back, and Pappy is getting too old.

April is Sister Carrie's birthday. She loves her Panda Cotton socks (59% Bamboo, 25% Cotton, 16% Elastic Nylon) from last year and requested a pair in tan or beige for this year. Bottom left is Trail Mix, the closest color I could find without some other color introduced to make the socks non-neutral. It's a little darker than requested, but I'm hoping she'll like it.

The Panda Soy Hazelnut(49% Bamboo, 33% Soy, 18% Elastic Nylon) on the right is closer to the requested colors. It will be my first time knitting Panda Soy and I'm looking forward to giving it a try and then hearing back from Carrie on how it wears.

With all these neutral colors in the queue, I think I need an interesting colorful project for contrast. Time to haul out that red gansey I started months ago.

Pointing the camera over to the neighbor's pasture.


  1. I love subtle colored socks and the photo of the horse in the snow was picturesque. Hope it has some shelter to seek.

  2. It's so sad to think that doggie school days are winding down. Maybe you should go and just run around with the other dogs to keep in shape! I know I come home from school exhausted - I do as much running as Maggie. Yes, do haul out the red. It's just too grey in your area this time of year. We have upper 60's predicted for the end of the week! Knock on wood, but it may be an early spring for us. I think we're the only ones in the entire U.S. who are having good weather. Of course, that means now snow in Vancouver, too!

  3. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I finished socks for DH that were a dark gray and am working on a pair using opal that are brown and gray. They seem to match the weather. The next pair is going to be brighter.

    My oldest son's birthday is March 18th, too. He'll be 39.

    Diane K

  4. Thank you (belatedly) for the brief "how-to" on converting to Google Reader. I had been meaning to make the switch for a while, but was too lazy...

    I'm enjoying your sock projects and comments as always though I don't often de-lurk to say so.

  5. Gorgeous sock yarn & I like the colors of Opal. I have to start knitting winter socks for my husband & I usually use Opal as they wear well. Happy sock knitting.

  6. Great photos! Love the wren pictures especially. Panda cotton is great to work with, I think, and I love the color choices.

  7. What a lucky lucky trainer! I have been very happy with Simply Socks. So nice when I have to order by phone. I am interested in the Opal Monkey! Cant wait to see it knit up

  8. Carrie1:26 PM

    Yes, Trail Mix looks lovely! Many thanks!

  9. Good to know that the panda cotton wears well.


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