Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday Tidbits

Beginning of the Literal Fall

As in leaves falling off the trees and onto the ground to be raked, burned, composted, mulched, mowed, or left to decompose.

Here at Violet Acres we have so many leaves we are able to do all of the above with leaves left over.


Note to myself: Add dead trout burial to the todo list for today.

The almost dead trout made it about 30 feet upstream from where I took its picture yesterday. Once it found a good mucky spot, right in the middle of our acreage, it flipped itself up on the bank and died in the mud.

Knitting Update

There has been no knitting worth mentioning.

The Kristi socks are halfway through the first cuff and haven't been touched for a week.

Clandestine, the October non-book socks for the Sock Innovation KAL, (a Ravelry link) are sitting next to my knitting spot waiting their fate. I think their fate is going to be frogging. I do not need another pair of lacy socks and I'd like some pretty warm practical socks out of the Stalwart Stormy Night yarn I'm using. I have half a cuff done. Before I frog them, I'll try the cuff on one more time and make sure that's what I want to do and take a picture to show you how pretty they are/were.

I'm down to the cuff on the last Lighthouse Gansey sleeve. Should finish it tonight.

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