Monday, June 01, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook for June 1

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Monday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY June 1, 2009...

Outside my window... The deer have been here grazing.

Where there used to be a beautiful, large blue hosta, there is one small remaining leaf and stalks.

This is only about ten feet from the front of the house. How they must love their hosta salad to come this close.

I am thinking... About how life is going to change now that Sunny's Spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis,a degenerative disorder that causes loss of normal spinal structure and function) has reached the chronic stage.

I am thankful for... A good result from my annual physical last Friday.

From the kitchen... Looks like a doggy pharmacy as we try to drug Sunny into some comfort. This morning she went to the vet office, had xrays (it was bad news but not unexpected), and got a steroid IV. She also has oral steroids and a muscle relaxant.

To complete the canine pill bottle collection we have two vials of painkillers that didn't help Sunny and Pappy's antibiotics for his anal gland infection.

I am wearing... Jeans and a black V neck tee.

I am creating... Still working on Pomatomus and have both socks decreased at the gusset.

Stalwart Sock from Slackford Studio is now one of my favorite sock yarns and this pattern is simply amazing, so I'm not sorry the project is going slow.

I miss having Sunny snuggle by my side while I knit. She has been hurting too much to want to settle in next to me.

I am going... To miss going to doggy school with Sunny this evening.

I am reading...Borderline by Nevada Barr, an Anna Pigeon mystery set in Big Bend National Park, Texas.

I've read all the Anna Pigeon books and am always happy to see one on the new book shelf at the library.

I am hoping... That Sunny's steroids kick in soon so she can stop pacing. It's extremely painful to watch her in pain.

I am hearing... Pappy telling me he needs to go out. Be back in a few minutes.

Around the house... Things are never right when one of the dogs is ailing.

One of my favorite things...The bright, sweet smelling day lilies that bloom toward the end of May.

I don't remember their name, but they're an heirloom species, not a hybrid.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Most important, see that Sunny is as comfortable as possible.

Otherwise, it's looking like a routine week. Pappy and Glory are going to the groomer tomorrow. Wednesday is grocery shopping, library, errands, and trumpet lesson. Thursday is Pappy's doggy school.

Both the lawn and the laundry have reached critical mass and need to be mowed/washed.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

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