Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Orange

In anticipation of the Sock Innovation KAL, (a Ravelry link) selecting Sunshine as the June KAL pattern, I ordered this yarn from Slackford Studio.

It arrived yesterday, way prettier than the picture. I'm looking forward to knitting these socks as soon as Mom's birthday socks are done.

I was hoping they'd pick Hedera by Cookie A. for the second June KAL pattern and was already visualizing Mom's sky blue socks in the Hedera pattern. Instead, they picked Nebula by Cookie A., a beautiful pattern reported to have approximately 1,600 cable crossings.

Sock knitting decisions need to be made! I don't think I can manage 1,600 cable crossings before Mom's birthday without giving up other things I want and need to do, so I'll likely stick with the Hedera plan and groan when it's the KAL pattern chosen for July. (No inside information. Just knowledge that Hedera got a lot of votes for June and is likely to get picked soon.)

Meanwhile, I'm ready to start the heels on Pomatomus. And, there's 3/4s of a gansey sleeve waiting for me to finish.

For about two weeks each spring, between the time they arrive and the time they start egg laying, the Orioles will stop by the feeding station and eat oranges.

It's a special time and we love seeing them.

Once they start nest building, they're up in the high tree tops and all we get are occasional flashes of orange in the leaves. By August, they've left to migrate back south for the winter.

Why do you suppose they fly all the way to SW Michigan to nest?

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