Friday, April 11, 2008

While I Was Gone - Knitting in Idaho

Monday I knit with the Ravelry Group Northern Idaho Knits.

When I walked into the meeting place (Starbucks by the only Kohl's in Northern Idaho) group moderator Judy was knitting on a leg warmer and watching for me.

She was very welcoming and friendly. I felt right at home and ready to knit.

Soon Linda Jo arrived to join us. The group is normally small and we ended up just being three.

Linda Jo has been knitting gnomes. She has a knack for giving them an engaging personality. This rosy nosed guy is named Filbert. If you want to know more about Filbert, hop on over to this post on Linda Jo's blog.

Linda Jo knit on her Pomatomus sock and I knit on some basic socks I haven't blogged about yet.

Afterward, we went to lunch at the Garlic White House, a wonderful little place that uses so much garlic you can smell it a block away.

Since I'm still semi-brain dead from the trip home and Linda did such a great job of describing our lunch with truth and humor, I'm going to send you over to her post if you want to know more. It's here.

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