Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Spring Break in Northern Idaho

Idaho from the airWednesday morning, April 2, I'm headed to the airport before the sun comes up to spend a week with granddaughter Sydney and her parents. Sydney will turn three while I'm there, complete with party on Saturday.

I'm taking a vacation from blogging while I'm gone. Lord willing, blogging will resume toward the end of next week.

For those who are curious, I have one sleeve successfully completed on the She Said Aran. Also I started a pair of socks for myself to take to Idaho.

While in Idaho, I'll be knitting with the Northern Idaho Knitters Group on Ravelry and lunching with Beadknitter Linda.

My last three trips, Northworst Airline has cancelled a flight, turning my trip home into a two day affair. This leaves me exhausted and brain dead. I'm hoping for better this time, but expecting the usual. All prayers appreciated.

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