Friday, April 18, 2008

She Said Aran - Sleeve One is Done

It's not easy to update a knitting blog when there is little knitting getting done.

It's been spring this week and I've been working outdoors. Over the years I've learned to stop before getting completely sore, but I do get kind of sore and stiff and definitely tired.

During my relaxation hours I've been doing a little sock knitting but mostly reading. Not knitting. Even the fear of having nothing to blog about hasn't inspired me to start the second sleeve.

The first sleeve was finished on April 1, before I left for Idaho.

As sleeves tend to do, it seemed to take forever. The fit is good and I'm pleased with the way it turned out.

The body has been washed and blocked, the sleeve has not so it looks a bit rough.

Pattern: She Said Aran by Barbara Venishnick in Knitters Winter 1999, #57

Yarn: Cascade 220, 100% wool worsted weight

Color: 7808 Violet

Needles: Options #5

Gauge: 28 stitches/29.5 rows in 4 inches on lower sweater. 26 stitches/33 rows in 4 inches for upper sweater.

Unless the weather does something horrible (not impossible in Michigan), there won't be another chance to wear a heavy wool sweater until next autumn. Realizing that made me wonder why Dorothy and I were starting another Aran in the middle of May.

Checking with Dorothy, she admitted she would rather be knitting shawls and lace in the warmer weather. By mutual agreement the start of Chenille has been postponed until late summer.

To prove that my mind wants to knit even when my body is too sore and tired, I immediately ordered some Elann Superwash Bamboo for a short sleeve sweater.

Tomorrow Jean is going to start a knitalong for Waffles for Brunch, her practical, warm, and cute toddler sweater designed for charity knitting. I have the yarn and needles out ready to go. No sign up required - at least not that I know about. If you want to join in the material list is here.

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