Saturday, April 19, 2008

April Showers Bring May Monkeys

It rained today.

Not much. Just enough for me to decide some indoor knitting time was in order.

Daughter Heather with a mid-May birthday requested black birthday socks.

This is my first experience knitting black socks. I started out with a simple lace pattern. It looked awful. I blamed the pattern and frogged it.

Next, I cast on both socks and knit the cuff ribbings for Shetland Lace Rib Socks. I knew I would like this pattern. It's mine, free on the sidebar.

It took three repeats of the lace pattern before I could no longer ignore the facts. The Shetland Lace pattern did not look pretty in black. It looked like a lumpy sock cuff full of mistakes.

I frogged both Shetland Lace socks, took a deep breath, and decided to try Monkey Socks.

Perfect! This is just what the black Regia silk wants to be.

Pattern: Monkey by Cookie A. in Knitty, Winter 2006.

Yarn: Regia Silk

Color: Black

Needles: Options 2.5

Gauge: 8 stitches/inch, 10 rows/inch

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