Monday, April 14, 2008

On-Line Socks Finished

Needing something easy to knit in Idaho and presented with a pretty skein of yarn from Linda Jo's Blogiversary contest a few weeks ago, it was obvious that the prize yarn needed to be knit immediately. So it was.

When I met with the Northern Idaho Knits group in (where else?) Northern Idaho, we sat for two hours and I managed about a half inch on one sock foot.

A few weeks ago I attended an orientation meeting for the Portage Senior Center. The room next to our meeting was full of knitters. Very raucous sounding knitters. We had to shut the door so we could hear our presenter.

The knitters sounded like they were having a great time, but I doubt they were getting much knitting done. Now that I'm a member, I need to attend one of their meetings and see what goes on.

Does anyone ever get any knitting done at a knitting group?

Pattern: Basic sock 56 stitch with k7 p1 ribbing on cuff and instep

Yarn: ON-Line Highland color

Needles: Options 2.5mm circulars

Gauge: 8 stitches/inch, 10 rows/inch

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