Friday, February 15, 2008

She Said Aran - Back Done


I planned to sit for a half hour and finish the last few rows this morning. So, I sat, picked it up, and realized I had never done short row shoulder shaping on a cabled pattern before. How difficult could it be?

The first attempt took over an hour and got frogged. Then I got serious, hauled out a big piece of paper and a pencil and drew out a plan. With all distractions turned off and plenty of stitch counting and talking to myself, I achieved acceptable results the second time around.

Changing the shoulder shaping to short rows is the only change I've made to the pattern so far.

The pattern was written with those ugly, bulky, stair step shoulder decreases which then add insult to injury by leaving a jagged bound off edge with no way to sew the shoulder seam attractively.

Using short rows for the shaping provides a straight edge and live stitches for a three needle shoulder bind off.

Pattern: She Said Aran by Barbara Venishnick

Yarn: Cascade 220, 100% wool worsted weight

Color: 7808 Violet

Needles: Options #5

Gauge: 28 stithces/29.5 rows in 4 inches on lower sweater. 26 stitches/33 rows in 4 inches for upper sweater.

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