Sunday, February 17, 2008

Once Upon A Time

Yesterday the sky was a very strange color. Couldn't resist taking a picture.

Reading Alwen's blog today, I learned that SW Michigan has 205 cloudy days a year with cloudy being defined as 8/10ths to 10/10ths average sky cover.

Those in the US who are into climate stats need to pop over to Alwen's blog for some links to look up your own area.

Remember last summer's road construction? The construction guys waited and waited for Verizon to come dig up the phone lines. Then one day they stopped waiting.

The construction crew dug up the phone lines and threw them along side the road, where they still are to this day. (Yes, that is a phone line wrapped around that tree.)

There are some days when my dial up connection is horribly horribly slow. Even slower than a horribly slow normal dial up day. This is one of those days.

Oh goody. It just started raining ice. That should help.

Something a bit more cheerful, a White-breasted Nuthatch on a bag of peanuts.

They prefer to be upside down. They approach their food upside down, landing above it and climbing down to it. Then they eat upside down.

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