Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Declare Winter Over

Just because it's snowing again is no reason to keep thinking winter. I'm looking ahead to spring things.

Thanks to everyone who helped me get through February by leaving a comment on my Let's Generate Some Comments post. I said I would visit the blog of everyone who commented and leave a comment in return. It's taken almost the entire month to do so, but I'm done. If you think I missed you, please let me know.

There were 61 readers commenting on that post. 22 commenters, over a third, were from blogs I had never visited before. I took my time to absorb and enjoy them. 7 were from readers without blogs. I emailed in response to their comments.

Now I know some of my readers better and my Bloglines is overflowing with interesting blogs to read. Somehow I need to control my blog reading time, but that's a problem for another day.

Springtime means Granddaughter Sydney is having a third birthday April 5 in Idaho. Lord willing and Northwest Airlines cooperating, I'm flying out April 2.

This is a picture taken right after her first professional haircut a few weeks ago. She enjoyed the experience. Looks like her curls are even curlier now that she has a good haircut.

Springtime means new yarn. Yesterday I ordered twenty skeins of worsted weight alpaca from Elann to knit the Set-in Sleeve Aran from Janet Szabo's book Aran Sweater Design.

Thanks to Ronni, I've renamed the sweater Chenille. Ronni pointed out that the cable designs are similar to patterns found in old fashioned chenille bedspreads. Yes! Why didn't I see that? Thanks Ronni. I'm going to enjoy this knit much more now that the sweater has a fitting name.

Dorothy and I (and anyone else who would like to join us) aren't scheduled to start knitting on Chenille until the very end of April. That will give me a couple of months to pet and swatch the alpaca before the knitting begins.

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