Saturday, December 22, 2007

What Is This?

It is a Huge Box From Amazon.
Our Christmas tradition is to haul gifts to Mom's and open them there.

DH Bob requested I post this picture on my blog so the family will know he got me something nice for Christmas, even though he let me open it early and at home.

It is a Big Boombox and a Tiny MP3 Player.
Perfect enablers for my audio book habit. It is set up right next to my knitting spot in the back bedroom.

This is my first MP3 player and I like it. And, of course, the boombox also plays CDs, tapes, and radio.

Now I need to start a fun knitting project. (Stopping here before I digress into knitting babble.)

It is a new Toyota Corolla.
Yesterday I picked up Mom for lunch. When I started my car it loudly howled at us - like a noisy, sick ghost.

After lunch (I needed food to face this), I took Mom home and drove to the Toyota dealer. The verdict: a broken strut, have to order parts, can't get it fixed until next week, not safe to drive, we'll give you a loaner.

While it's fun to have a new car with new car smell, it's more of a worry than a thrill. The dogs are banned and what if it gets dinged or stained?

There's a certain relaxed feeling to driving an (almost) eight year old car that's been initiated with a few minor bangs and muddy paws - except when it scares me by howling like a ghost in pain.

It is a Redpoll.
These cute little birds are about five inches long, just a tiny bit bigger than a Chickadee and smaller than a House Finch (bird on the left).

They're rare visitors to our feeders (see
irruption year). I'm buying thistle seed just for them.

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