Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Road Construction Continued

Just yesterday this road sign was erected along the road in front of our pond.

We are puzzled by its purpose since anyone with eyesight good enough to get a driver's license can see there is no shoulder.

Maybe it means, "If you slide off the road here you're going to end up in a snow bank."

Or, for a vehicle that is going too fast it might mean, "If you slide off the road here you're going to end up in a pond."

Last summer's road construction left the phone lines laying on the ground with occasional tangled heaps where the boxes used to be. I was sure they were going to stay that way for the winter, but no. Verizon hired this winter worthy crew to sort them out and put them back where they belong.

Having the Ding Ding Ding of a backhoe in the front yard is like a little bit of summer revisited.

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