Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pre-trip Knitting Update

Anyone remember my knitting New Year's resolution for 2007?
In 2007 I half-heartedly resolve to have no more than three unfinished knitting projects at one time.

Here it is almost November and I'm still on track to keep the resolution and make it a permanent habit. At first controlling my project count was a challenge, but it's become second nature now. My knitting life is much more enjoyable since I've learned to finish before starting something new.

Three projects is a good number for me. Occasionally it goes to four if one project is a pair of CIC socks by the kitchen table. I've achieved knitting peace.

Now for a pre-trip (leaving for Idaho next Tuesday) knitting inventory and status.

Mystery Stole 3
The knitting on the stole has been done for six weeks.

I had to force myself to finish the last clue as it slowly dawned on me that I was never going to wear this stole. It's just "not me".

The project was fun until the very end. I loved getting a clue a week and seeing the stole grow without knowing what was going to happen next. I'm not sorry I knit it.

Now it's back in balls and is going to be something else someday. I have some project ideas for enjoying this Regia silk second time around the needles.

Autumn Song Socks
I'm on the foot of both socks, but don't want to finish until I get home so they'll count as November Sock A Month KAL 4 socks.

Picture of the cuffs here.

Autumn Song
The Autumn Song sleeve is blocked. I'd like to get the sweater basted together with one sleeve before I leave so I'll know if the sleeve is going to work or not.

After a short break, I'm ready to get this project done. There is (hopefully) only one more sleeve, the neck, the sleeve cuffs, and the sewing left to do.

Contest Alert

While I'm gone (October 30 - November 6), it's Blogiversary contest time! Three years, three prizes, and three winners - one winner for each book.

It will be easy to enter. Details on Monday.

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