Monday, October 29, 2007

Blogiversary Contest

Everyday I am blessed by comments and emails from readers of this blog. Even those of you who quietly lurk are a blessing and encouragement as I marvel over my blog stats. Thank you all for stopping by.

I'd like this contest to be for readers only, although I have no way of insuring that. Please don't link to it or mention it on lists and groups. But, if you stop by Stitches of Violet once in a while for a quick peek into my life, help me celebrate three years of blogging by leaving a comment. I wish I was so rich you all could win.

Tomorrow morning before most of you are awake I'll be on my way to the airport and off to Idaho.

While I'm gone, it's Blogiversary contest time. Three years, three prizes, three winners!

To enter leave a comment on this post telling
  1. Which book you'd like to win (please pick only one).
  2. Why you picked it.
  3. Be sure and leave an email address with your comment.

Winners will be picked by random number generator.

Deadline to enter: Tuesday, November 6, 2007, Midnight EST.

Winners will be announced Wednesday, November 7, assuming Northwest Airline gets me home as scheduled.

Here's a closer look at the books if you need help deciding.

Knitting Ganseys by Beth Brown-Reinsel.

This is a wonderful book. It was first published in 1993, and there are good reasons it's still selling fourteen years later.

It's written just like Beth is teaching a class, including a small, doll size gansey to practice the techniques as they are presented.

There are many pictures to show just what she's talking about and charts to help design your own gansey.

Six patterns are presented, three adult and three for kids. All seamless. When it's done, it's done.

My Red White Gansey is a pattern from this book. You can see it here.

Stahman's Shawls and Scarves by Myrna Stahman.

This book has three parts.

Part 1 explains the techniques used in the patterns.
Part 2 has patterns for 14 Faroese shawls knit top down with matching Seamen's scarves. The shawls range from simple to very lacy.

Part 3 is an additional 28 Seamen scarf patterns.

There isn't anything in this book I wouldn't knit. It's all lovely and the patterns are very clearly written.

There are pictures of my Stahman Barbara Shawl here.

Aran Sweater Design by Janet Szabo is for knitters who want to design their own Aran sweaters.

It's mostly about design, method, and construction. It is not a stitch dictionary.

The book concludes with four patterns: an Aran vest, Aran pullover, dressy Aran with set-in sleeves, and an Aran raglan cardigan.

The Aran with set-in sleeves is high on my list of next possible sweater projects.

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