Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Raupe Socks Done - SAM4 for August

August sock for the Sock A Month KAL 4 is done. Click socks to embiggen picture.

Pattern: Plain wide ribbing, k7, p1, on 56 stitches to fit my narrow ankles and feet.

I tried several stitch patterns and frogged them. None of them were pretty with this colorway. It begs to be by itself and show its caterpillar colors.

Yarn: Opal sock yarn, 75% wool, 25% nylon

Color: Rainforest II, Raupe.

Raupe is German for caterpillar. I found this picture showing the caterpillar that almost perfectly matches the socks.

Needles: Addi Turbo #1

Gauge: 8 stitches/inch, 10 rows/inch.

Thanks to helpful and knowledgeable readers Mireille and Kristin , I know that this raupe turns into an Old World Swallowtail
(Papilio machaon), found in Europe and Asia.

It is closely related to the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) common in the Eastern United States including SW Michigan where I live.

I shot this Eastern Tiger Swallowtail in May when it visited my azaleas.

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